Example sentences of "[is] not deny the " in BNC.

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1 This is not to deny the truth of orthodox Christian belief .
2 What he proposes is to change ‘ ideas into things ’ ; and to do this is not to deny the existence of a world of things .
3 This is not to deny the possibility that an associative acquired-distinctiveness effect may also operate in other cases ) .
4 That is not to deny the wide range of activities that have involved employers .
5 That is not to deny the pleasures that children bring .
6 This is not to deny the value of such courses : they provide , at the very least , a sense of professional community and there is no doubt that some of the inspiration they generate carries over into practice .
7 That is not to deny the horror of the events which followed .
8 This is not to deny the immense amount of valuable warm support and practical help given to old people by social work assistants .
9 All this is not to deny the possible relevance of the results of comparative experience as an aid to practitioners and policy-makers who may hope to utilise ideas , approaches or techniques adopted in other countries .
10 This is not to deny the discoveries that have been made , but to state that the purposes that have given meaning to the scientists ' pursuit of truth have been success in and the sustaining of the scientific establishment .
11 This is not to deny the brilliance and seminal contribution of certain individuals .
12 This is not to deny the reality of such self-interested behaviour as that discussed by Thomas and Mungham in this volume .
13 This is not to deny the reality of urban poverty based on significant differentiation within the working class ( see North Tyne side CDP , 1977 ) , but the theme was high wages and rough and ready urban conditions .
14 This is not to deny the importance of inter-war industrial change — just to get it in perspective relative to the much more profound restructuring of the recent past .
15 This is not to deny the vital role played by language in naturalizing cultural differences such as gender roles , but rather to assert that artefacts may be still more powerful mechanisms in this process .
16 This is not to deny the significance of the creative individual , but his or her efforts at innovation can only be really sustained when they take root in and pervade the school as a whole .
17 This is not to deny the differences ; it is simply to stress both the connections — which link them within what Raymond Williams calls a Long Revolution — and the importance of the word ‘ potential ’ .
18 This is not to deny the force of economistic elements in capitalism , but to indicate how certain ideological and moral themes assist in the maintenance of economic control .
19 ‘ To put content before form is not to deny the importance of pedagogy , or to equate content with a perpetual diet of politics .
20 To recognize such forces is not to deny the human one .
21 This is not to deny the importance of personal persuasion .
22 He is not denying the possibility of the English language overcoming the mind — body dichotomy nor of the Dinka language expressing it .
23 in so doing , he is not denying the value at the root of the accusation — namely , that prejudice is wrong .
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