Example sentences of "[is] not relate to " in BNC.

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1 In Britain , the character of being a mobilizer or a reconciler is not related to being in any one party or being in opposition or government .
2 And because aggression is not related to other traits of personality like being cooperative , friendly , or trustworthy ; the horse may be a paragon of virtue to ride .
3 Apparently the family is not related to the Borgias ; at least , not to any seriously worrying Borgias .
4 Therefore one must conclude that the ‘ death line ’ for dry gas is not related to the exhaustion of the source rock coal but rather to the disappearance of good reservoirs due to lack of porosity .
5 As the distribution of collapse breccias is not related to any particular facies , the only way that their presence can be predicted is by identifying areas where uplift and exposure has occurred .
6 Nonetheless , R&D that is not related to defence has declined by about 10 per cent since Reagan took office , once inflation is accounted for .
7 Less than a quarter of the people observed using the shakers tasted their food before adding salt , suggesting that the salt-shaking habit is not related to the taste of the food and is essentially a ritual activity .
8 Paul Chadd , prosecuting , claimed Harper , who is not related to the twins , set fire to straw bales to provide light .
9 It is fairly universally accepted that Chinese is not related to any of the four other languages , so the similarity can not be because these words are cognate .
10 The development of Pythagoras ' theorem , he notes , is not related to the separation of mathematical , scientific thinking from mythological and non-literate practices but rather was associated with ‘ the use of number magic ’ and :
11 Family Allowance is not related to the man 's wage , it is paid when there is no wage , whatever the circumstances may be , it is paid when there is no man to support the children .
12 Thus the high percentage of now elderly women who never married is not related to ageing ; it is not an age effect .
13 It is not related to the true eels but looks superficially like them and so has acquired their popular name .
14 Penetration in many instances is not related to a property of the organism itself , in most instances it 's re related to some form of injury in which the organism is moved from it 's normal skin location to a deep tissue location .
15 The sentence is not related to the offence so much as whether the defendant is homeless , jobless , or has been the subject of a care order , and this is more likely to have happened to black youth .
16 who knows you but is not related to you as husband , wife , parent , grandparent , brother , sister , child or grandchild ; and
17 Addictive disease affects sufferers throughout the whole of society and is not related to social class , income , employment or privilege or lack of privilege of any kind .
18 For example , my father is not related to my mother 's er sister 's children .
19 Because by definition it is not related to an existing settlement , it is not in the greenbelt , it must be in the countryside .
20 3147 Module Owner is not related to current user :
21 The module owner specified when trying to update the module details is not related to the current module owner .
22 3149 Module Manager is not related to current user :
23 The module manager specified when trying to update the module details is not related to the current module manager .
24 The specified module owner is not related to the user responsible for the given charge code , using options 1.1.1 — Create Package / Product or 1.1.3 — Reserve Source , Foreign and Pmodel Modules .
25 The specified module owner is not related to you ( as the module manager ) , using options 1.1.1 — Create Package / Product or 1.1.3 — Reserve Source , Foreign and Pmodel Modules .
26 Such an area of anomalous volcanism , which is not related to processes of subduction or normal mid-oceanic ridge spreading , is termed a hot spot .
27 I would also like to draw to your attention the which is not related to accident prevention and therefore within the existing criteria does not qualify for County Council support , generally speaking .
28 does that go up as part of the management charge or part of the service charge which is not related to management ?
29 And so , just by analyzing this financially , and it 's not true financing because this allowance er , is not related to the er , to how much the company gets paid .
30 But health experts say the outbreak is not related to food on sale at the store.Richard Barnett reports :
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