Example sentences of "[vb infin] whatever [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 er it 's always been er guaranteed i.e. if a customer was not satisfied , then one hundred percent we will rectify whatever it is they 're not satisfied with .
2 This is now considered to be extremely dangerous — she could bite and break whatever it is and inhale the broken bit .
3 Well it does n't much matter whatever it is .
4 I know she did , but anyway does n't matter whatever it is .
5 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
6 Often you can simply just not do whatever it is .
7 Yes , it 's open Mondays to Fridays , from quarter to nine through to quarter to five , and anyone can just walk in and we 'll do our best to help them produce whatever it is they want to see , providing we 've got it and we can find it .
8 Do n't let whatever it is fester .
9 ‘ I suppose you can say whatever it is you want to say right here , only I 'm not hanging around to hear it . ’
10 ‘ I hope you 'll find whatever it is you 're looking for .
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