Example sentences of "[vb infin] ensure [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We do need to ensure that a broad range of views are truly represented even though we may not be able to force individual citizens ( consumers ? ) to acknowledge these .
2 In BCCI v Aboody [ 1990 ] 1 QB 923 ( following in the path of some earlier but recent decisions ) it had been suggested that any surety would have to look after his ( or her ) own interests ; the creditor should not need to ensure that the surety properly understood the transaction .
3 We will act to ensure that the inspectorates of police , fire , probation , and social services , together with any new inspectorates that are established , will be truly independent of the service which they inspect .
4 He said it was obscene that PowerGen could cause anguish and anxiety in the families of 6,000 staff working for Trainload Freight and added : ‘ There will be a public outrage if the Government does not act to ensure that the traffic stays with the railways . ’
5 Will he seek to ensure that the banks hand back the pension fund assets which belong to scheme members and which the banks have no right to keep , given their reckless lending practices ?
6 Instead , the buyer should seek to ensure that the consideration reflects the higher risk to the buyer and the terms which the seller wants for completing the disposal .
7 Where we are commissioned by outside bodies to produce reports on the environment , we should seek to ensure that the copyright rests with us ( Para 25 ) .
8 In order to achieve the second objective , the drafter will seek to ensure that the other party can not escape from the contract and that , if necessary , the contract can be enforced by quick , and procedurally simple methods , such as liquidated rather than unliquidated claims .
9 We would be failing in our duty if we did not seek to ensure that the very considerable effort of the voluntary sector was not translated into tangible benefits to poor people in developing countries .
10 This is not to say that staff do not seek to ensure that an apparently open exchange concludes with the ‘ correct ’ decision .
11 Would n't that begin to ensure that the U K will be th in the premier league in the twenty first century ?
12 Because there is no one governing body for hypnotherapists at the time of writing , you will want to ensure that the one you consult has received proper training .
13 I do not think that people in Cornwall want to allocate blame at the moment , but they do want to ensure that the environmental clean-up is carried out both in the short term and the long term without hold-ups .
14 Shareholders , however , own the firm and generally appoint managers to run it , and as residual claimants they will want to ensure that the value of the firm is maximized .
15 The tenant should also endeavour to ensure that the cost of the landlord 's objections or representations is borne by the landlord .
16 Either would have regarded it as a special achievement and in either the semi-democratic command structure would have ensured that a number of men would have participated in the decision where to detonate it .
17 I would have thought that a standard missile would have ensured that a plane it brought down would not have struck the sea with its fuselage relatively intact but in a thousand pieces .
18 Similarly , when an engine fell off the DC-10 during take-off at Chicago , the administrator of the FAA was not dismissed even though his organisation should have ensured that the aircraft was subject to proper maintenance practices .
19 Naturally you will have ensured that the mains electrical connections have been removed and that the Power supply box is sealed and properly earthed .
20 The accountant will try to ensure that the band have given enough thought to how long this money is likely to last , and how best to use it until the next payment or earnings are due .
21 Rather , on the assumption that the firm manages to devise effective mechanisms for routeing potentially relevant information from the external environment to its decision makers , we will ask : ‘ How should we try to ensure that the information , when it arrives on the executive 's desk , is usable by that executive ? ’
22 When this introduction is successfully achieved the topic can be introduced , and the counsellor should try to ensure that the group takes over most of the talking .
23 The social worker whose aim is to effect change in response to some cry for help , will try to ensure that the change occurs in such a way that it is manageable for the system as a whole .
24 If we accept that we can not prevent science and technology from changing our world , we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions .
25 Czechoslovakia would continue to form a single market , but in the approach to European bodies the government would try to ensure that the Czechs and Slovaks were able to act as " independent and equal subjects " .
26 Unless steps have been taken to ensure that the people of the organisation are fully informed of the changes that are proposed , that they support the changes , and see themselves as gaining from them , then there is no reason to assume that they will cooperate with the changes : indeed , there is good reason to assume that they will try to ensure that the changes do not work .
27 From the drafter 's point of view there is clearly nothing that can be done to save a clause rendered ineffective by the Act ; however , where a clause is subject to a test of reasonableness ( which will be more common in relation to clauses included in standard terms ) the drafter should try to ensure that the clause can satisfy the test .
28 Equally , the landlord may wish to ensure that a yard adjoining a building does not become obstructed by trade empties or unrestricted car parking .
29 ‘ We would wish to ensure that the appropriate staff , professional and non-professional , were introduced to relevant skills , initially by utilising external courses , but ultimately by developing internal and/or cooperative programmes ’ .
30 ASH Supporters will by now no doubt have made known their views to their MPs , but many will wish to ensure that the word is spread through every contact they have : PTAs , school governors , WIs , trade unions , clubs , Scouts and Guides , churches sports clubs and so on .
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