Example sentences of "[vb infin] himself to the " in BNC.

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1 Lord Wilberforce 's statement in Tameside , that the decision-maker should properly direct himself to the facts , provides a good example of one aspect of factual review which would allow the courts great latitude for substituting their view for that of the decision-maker .
2 He should confine himself to the questions put to him .
3 Stating that Mr McNeill ‘ apologises without reservation for the offence caused by his remarks ’ , Mr Pignatelli said his deputy would further explain himself to the council 's advisory group on racial equality and the Strathclyde Community Relations Council on Thursday .
4 Richard , he said , was deeply offended that anyone should think he would lower himself to the depths of duping the editor of Music Week .
5 It should be noted that if any of these ineffective exclusion clauses are included in an advertisement , the trader responsible will expose himself to the risk of proceedings against him under the Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988 ( see paragraph 16 — 37 , below ) .
6 From the seller 's point of view , rather than expose himself to the vagaries of litigation , and the need to negotiate with each buyer as to exactly what remedies are appropriate in each case , it is preferable to set out a specific and detailed procedure which deals with the remedying of defects .
7 Jesus told the leper to go and show himself to the priest and make an offering for his healing .
8 He screamed that he would give himself to the Devil if he caught the girl before she reached home .
9 Luke would have said that politically he stood way to the left of his mother and way , way to the left of his father , but somehow he could not reconcile himself to the thought of his mother stocking shelves in Pricewell 's .
10 The likelihood is that he saw the decisive disadvantages of Curzon but could not quite reconcile himself to the thought of the very junior Baldwin , who had so recently ‘ bounced ’ and damaged him over the debt settlement , being in 10 Downing Street .
11 It seemed inevitable after this that he should take himself to the nearest fish and chip shop to eat his supper .
12 Such behaviour did not recommended itself to another , more discreet , influence on Leonard during those undergraduate years : Professor F.R. Scott , later Dean of the Faculty of Law , presently , while Leonard swithered and swayed as to whether he should commit himself to the arts or commerce , his lecturer in law .
13 This week the club lost captain David Rees to Newport and coach Paul Evans has decided he can no longer commit himself to the club because of the pressures of his Welsh Under-21 assistant coaching duties .
14 In Rome , the Iranian chargé d'affaires rushed off to the seaside rather than commit himself to the Shah 's uncertain cause .
15 Recognising the difficulty that arises in the countries of central and eastern Europe , can he commit himself to the urgent introduction of EFTA applications , recognising the special bridges that they have with those countries and the Baltic states ?
16 In fact despite being in what 's described as a small fish tank , the Puffer quickly grew to 12″ and for some reason , would inflate himself to the size of a basketball at 8pm each evening .
17 When he was engaged in writing The Cocktail Party , he was asked how long he would devote himself to the theatre rather than to poetry ; he replied , " Until I can convince people that I know how to write a popular play " .
18 Gazzer thought his tired arms would crack with the strain when he had to help Simon pull himself to the top of the gates … .
19 A worn out slob , he can not accustom himself to the idea of women playing the sport seriously .
20 People who wanted information from him were noting his silence and making their judgments accordingly ; his life seemed to be funnelling down into a pit like so much waste water , and yet he could n't stir himself to the right kind of action .
21 Will he address himself to the fact that no less than 44 per cent .
22 The right hon. Gentleman must address himself to the new situation which is developing and in which there will be a single currency .
23 Again , three or four times a week he would push himself to the limit , galloping across the countryside with the hounds , risking life and limb in another of the most physically exacting sports known to man .
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