Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] so [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So once a person becomes unconscious , remember they 've got to go to hospital because they can only get worse , right , there is n't any , enough sugar in that body to , to be able to work properly so they 'll only get worse .
2 James had asked him to come early so they could do some work on the autobiography before dinner .
3 I do n't mind dancing with girls when it 's for Jamie , though one time with one tall lassie he wanted us both to go outside so he could kiss her .
4 It was not only the houses and buildings that were affected , there were also many cars and vans that had to stop their journeys and wait hoping the water start to drain away so they would be able to reach their destination .
5 Bulbs are already in the shops , and although there is no hurry to plant the spring-flowering types in the garden , it 's a good idea to purchase early so you get a wide choice of good quality bulbs .
6 Our horses had more sense and refused to go further so we stabled them at a local inn where we satisfied our hunger on a dish of fish cooked over charcoal before making our way up to the castle .
7 Well , there I was in London , penniless ; like the man in the gospel , I was too proud to go home so I begged and fought with the rest of the dispossessed in the dirty alleyways and streets of Whitechapel , Alsatia , and even across London Bridge amongst the stews of Southwark .
8 When playing with friends , they 'll have to look away so you can enter your secret bid — no peeking !
9 But he added : ‘ I am not just trying to play now so I can force my way into the Cup final team .
10 I guess Frank feel that Deane will be given unlimited support and that he will not get to play anyhow so he might as just leave …
11 which you might want to incorporate anyway so you may not want to print off another version anyway
12 I decided to watch the television in my room , or listen to the radio , and get to sleep early so I could be up just after dawn to catch a wasp for the Factory .
13 I du n no what to do now so I go up to the big electric sign board and have a look at it .
14 Yeah that 's exactly the same as what you 're I was trying to do before so it 'd be the equivalent of that .
15 We 'd given you the activities to do there so you could find the output of them .
16 Now her daughter is the centre of her world , a reason to race home so she can enjoy every moment they have together .
17 Back at Nathan 's sledge he is too cold to be bothered to ride again so we hoist it on to Odd-Knut 's sledge and ride on .
18 No my philosophy with customer relations has always been that you do n't give somebody a refund , you give them some tickets to fly again so it 's keeps them flying
19 So he got me last nights , we 're gon na have to go tomorrow so we 'll have to go tonight now , got ta tell !
20 My son is a dying junkie , but he does n't want to die alone so he 's encouraging Robin-Anne to keep him company and now she 's become addicted to cocaine and it wo n't be very long before she 's smoking crack and trying speedballs . ’
21 The freedom to invest in South Africa means the money to invest there so you can make even more .
22 Indication can be quivertip or butt indicator and generally I wait for the reel to revolve slowly so I know it is not a line bite .
23 ‘ I was kicked out by my landlord and put in this hostel which was just awful and I had to get away so I came here — I do n't know why , really , I … ’
24 Oh to get away so I could exhaust myself with intense experiences , where everyone spoke of intense subjects and never said " pass the bread and butter . "
25 I feel that he has been waiting for me to get home so he can demonstrate this talent .
26 ‘ You have somewhere else to stay now so you need n't risk coming here again . ’
27 You , you have to stay there so you , it , it 's actually a disk
28 Being tied to reception though you see , J Julie 's likely to do quite a lot because she 's got to stay there so you 've got
29 It was not too big or cumbersome to take away so I packed it up in my stout old haversack and stepping out of the ruins of the boilerhouse , returned to the shed .
30 He gestured for her to move aside so he could take a closer look at the microphone .
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