Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [pos pn] friend " in BNC.

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1 Pepita set down among the crates to wait for her friend and the rum to reach her .
2 Superior qualifications were , indeed , by no means a guarantee of preferment , on the testimony of David Scott himself , who admitted on another occasion that ‘ there was some altercation about the superior qualifications of the other candidates , but on my shewing the chairman the anxiety I had to provide for your friend , with his assistance I carried it ’ .
3 In fact , Laura had refused to accept from her friend anything more than a small token sum towards the other girl 's rent .
4 She finished her own coffee , listening to him as he began to talk about his friend Denzil .
5 This young lady , Mr Bodenland , is the product of the union of two of the great minds of our time , the philosopher , William Godwin , and Mary Wollstonecraft , one of the great philosopical female minds to rank with my friend , Madame de Stael — who lives just across the lake , as you may know .
6 A girl in a purple suit began to talk to her friend beside her .
7 She did not want to talk to her friend about Jamie , and she did not trust herself to hold a lengthy conversation with Bridget without mentioning his visit .
8 ‘ We thought you would be interested to hear about your friend . ’
9 I thought you were anxious to hear about your friend . ’
10 ‘ Almost like old times , Denis , ’ as a happily departing season-ticket holder remarked to Mr Law of the BBC , while in the directors ' box Mr Boycott , a guest of Brian Clough , was unsure whether to smile for his friend or sigh for his county .
11 It is good that you are able to look after your friend with the sick husband , and I expect you are still seeing Maureen .
12 Your learned friend very fairly set the sort of orders one would expect in the case of this sort , erm , can I only add one thing which erm there is still a , failing erm his right there should have been an adjournment this morning that the question of a structured settlement could be investigated , all these people who have indeed , it must be from the plaintiff 's point of view as well , desirable that those investigations be erm carried out , with the greatest , greatest speed possible , obviously it takes time to er instruct the and so on and erm , it seemed er to me that it would be appropriate to include some of the I happen to discuss with my friend , erm providing for the matter to be brought back not later than a certain time
13 She picked absent-mindedly at a piece of lint on one long denim-clad leg , unable for the moment to look into her friend 's probing blue eyes .
14 One day Dale went to play with her friend .
15 But for years there was a large bomb site down the road , on which I used to play with my friend Howard , who lived three doors the other way .
16 " You 're a fraud , Richard , " Graham said , turning to look at his friend .
17 ‘ I think it may have something to do with my friend .
18 ‘ Anything to do with your friend Hugh ? ’ he asked , his tone deceptively casual .
19 ‘ They were n't going to leave without their friend — in a way they were displaying remarkably human behaviour . ’
20 Daisy thought , a people that loves flowers yet is cruel to animals ; Sister Dew said to herself , I must get a coloured postcard of that to send to my friend .
21 I thought it was n't worth just sitting around waiting for something to happen and I had already arranged to go to my friend 's house so I went out .
22 I wanted to go to my friend 's on the coast and then to join Felipe .
23 And Willy 's to call for his friend , look at that rip that up Willy .
24 Beryl would have to move out , but she would go to live with her friend ; two old-maids together .
25 but , then the next morning of course when Wendy got home she 'd been down my nephew 's looking after the kids for them and erm , and said we 've come to arrest you , and no , oh Rachael said oh mum there 's a police car pulled up outside , so she said , oh my god do n't tell me they 're wrong and it is Tracey , cos Tracey 's left home , she 's gone to live with her friend and erm , anyway , when Wendy got to the stairs she could n't go in , she could n't go any further and she said erm , when , when the policeman said Mrs I 've come to arrest you , she just about said Christ she said what have I done ?
26 ‘ But I understood that you intended to live with your friend after your father died . ’
27 ‘ I 'm to stay with my friend , you remember , I told you I 'd met her last week ?
28 She might even be able to stay at her friend 's house on Saturday night .
29 The two mares had become inseparable and cried bitterly if they were parted , Fantasma even bashing down fences to get at her friend .
30 You would n't want that to happen to your friend . ’
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