Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] form " in BNC.

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1 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
2 Does evolution sometimes have to pass through intermediate forms of low fitness ?
3 From the beginning , though , children should be learning to write in other forms and for other purposes .
4 Many of the children are not yet able to write in conventional form , but all tackle the task of labelling the bits and pieces of the space ship .
5 A child who has problems in any area of development may be regarded as being likely to benefit from some form of special educational placement , either full time or part time .
6 Non-standard grammatical forms such as ‘ we was ’ do not tend to appear in written form ( except in literature when trying to convey speech ) .
7 We began the year with the Department of the Environment withdrawing the Comber-Dundonald portion of the track-bed from the market and refusing to come to any form of agreement with the Trust regarding the future of this portion of the line .
8 Perhaps the key way to establish a connection between the concerns of conventional Marxist urban and regional sociology and the concepts outlined in Chapters 1 and 2 is to concentrate on typical forms of social mobility ; the ways in which they relate to spatial mobility and moral careers .
9 This is an acceptable solution if we expect to concentrate on one form of arithmetic for a number of instructions , but if we are using several forms ( for example , floating-point calculations with address computation in fixed-point format ) then we have to change the contents of the mode register continually .
10 Some patterns , e.g. chequers , strips of swastika meander , and guilloche mat are common enough in the region but , nonetheless , can be difficult to relate to comparable forms from Withington and Woodchester .
11 Locally , people began to talk about some form of recognition for the aircraft and how the town could help its tourist industry into the bargain .
12 The laboratory had some elegant computer-controlled apparatus for teaching the monkeys to discriminate between visual forms such as letters .
13 Under the influence of excessive risk aversion managers are thus liable to cause the firm to grow to an inefficient size and to engage in other forms of behaviour which are sub-optimal from the shareholders ' point of view , such as making low dividend payouts and an inadequate use of the company 's borrowing capacity .
14 Because women are largely con fined to jobs with low status and power , they will be relatively less able to engage in serious forms of white-collar and corporate crime .
15 If aggression is too much inhibited and inner-directed , the result may be immobilization and the incapacity to engage in any form of self-assertion .
16 To date , nine organisations have agreed to participate in one form or another , they are : —
17 A real desire to participate in some form of practical training was expressed by most of the people spoken to but the problems of fitting in courses with the off-farm employment were considerable .
18 Priority tasks include the development of a comprehensive seminar programme , combined activities with other bodies to offer management development programmes , conferences , etc , and to find ways to generate a desire amongst members to participate in some form of development activity each year , during their careers .
19 There ought to be a right to protest in public , it might be argued , and where the bona fide exercise of this right happens to lead to some form of disorder , it is wrong to visit the perpetrators with severe sanctions .
20 Sideways moves for ministers such as John MacGregor apart , one of the few appointments not to smack of some form of pay-off is that of John Patten as Secretary of State for Education .
21 The distorted modes of communication which the individual has set up within himself , and between self and the outside world , as a result of fearing to express in public form certain wishes and impulses of an infantile polymorphously perverse character , can be unravelled with the analyst 's help .
22 Different meat-market centres tended to specialize in different forms of meat , Aberdeen , Edinburgh , and Leeds dispatching mainly dead meat and Leicester and Norwich livestock .
23 We shall consider two examples ; one in which the Mendelian principle appears to apply in simple form and another in which a genetic influence on behaviour has been demonstrated by artificial selection .
24 One reason for the apparent failure of whooping cough immunization may lie in the ability of the virus to mutate to new forms which evade destruction until a new vaccine can be devised and introduced ; this problem does not arise with diphtheria and measles .
25 The logical erm conclusion from that was to look at some form of tertiary education and that is what the County Council went out to consultation on .
26 ‘ He also showed a remarkable capacity to look at any form of contract and identify both the things that needed taking out and what has been wrongly omitted .
27 In this arrangement at least two 11–18 schools agree to combine at sixth form level , ideally with a common timetable .
28 The use of symbolic addressing is not fully exploited to cope with pre-existing forms of citation and for automated authoring of large quantities of text .
29 At the moment , you can get adaptors for computers to cope with some form of speech or at least a limited range of verbal instructions erm and in fact Apple computers and others have little packages which allow about thirty well-defined verbal instructions to , to go in .
30 On the one hand , as far as the criminal law was concerned , they removed one set of controls entirely , whilst on the other hand , a new and sometimes increased set of controls was introduced to deal with those forms of homosexual conduct which were still considered to be ‘ public ’ and criminal .
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