Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] for sale " in BNC.

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1 Go for drink with Head to discuss plans for sale of raffle tickets on Saturday morning .
2 Either local cultivators and pastoralists were cleared from the land completely and it was reserved for European immigrants , or in some cases ( like Uganda and larger parts of Tanganyika ) local cultivators were encouraged , or forced , to grow crops for sale either as export crops or as food crops to feed the mining workforces in southern Africa ( for longer accounts of the processes of settler immigration and colonial policies , see Rodney 1972 ; Palmer & Parsons 1977 ) .
3 Local authorities had the power to build houses for sale and to sell houses originally built for renting before 1980 , but the proportion of dwellings sold was relatively slight until the Conservative government of 1970–4 presided over a substantial upsurge in sales .
4 Secondly , the Bank gave notice that it would make its own forecasts of daily flows in the market so as to be ready to provide assistance but that when the need arose the houses would have to offer bills for sale to the Bank at prices of their own choosing .
5 Suppose that the Bank 's forecast is for a shortage of liquidity in the monetary sector , that the monetary sector will recall some of its discount market loans and the houses will be forced to offer bills for sale to the Bank .
6 The essence of the association 's idea was to develop flats for sale and this would make it possible to bring in private institutional finance — eg from a building society which might then become involved in providing mortgages for the individual purchasers .
7 The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry on the definition of undertakings given by British Steel to offer assets for sale as an alternative to plant closure ;
8 ‘ Obviously it is not acceptable to have cigarettes for sale on the trolley service and the Ladies Committee has been asked to remove them , ’ he said .
9 A licence then would be required to exceed that number , or to advertise animals for sale .
10 The occasion for the controversy was the foundation of a central agency to produce goods for sale by Co-operative stores ; and it was to the workers in the agency 's factories that the question related .
11 The main reason for this is that the production cycle , that is the time taken to produce goods for sale , can be relatively long .
12 FOUR members of Saughall Church Women 's Fellowship will demonstrate crafts this evening and members will then be asked to make items for sale at the Church Christmas fair on November 28 .
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