Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [prep] low " in BNC.

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1 In general terms the narrow range of investments are fairly , very safe and secure investments , but they are ones which are less likely to secure higher returns but of course also , less likely to secure risks of low returns .
2 Perhaps the most important function of deprivation payments was to compensate practices with low lists after the introduction of the new contract , which linked income much more closely to capitation .
3 Moreover , by the time of World War I a widening in the geographical scope of product markets themselves , and a desire to eliminate competition from low wage districts — together with government-setting of many wage awards during war-time — all these influences tended to extend the area of collective bargaining still further to the industry level .
4 Taking effect from Nov. 18 , the reforms included ( i ) a 331/3 per cent devaluation of the currency , with an initial base exchange rate of 90 new kwanzas to the United States dollar ; ( ii ) a reduction in personal income tax , taking the top rate from 40 per cent of earned income to 15 per cent ; ( iii ) reduced consumer taxes ; ( iv ) the lifting of price ceilings on all commodities except soap , cooking oil , rice , sugar and baby milk ; ( v ) a new salary scale for public-sector workers , to compensate for the withdrawal of ration cards which had allowed them to buy goods at low prices ; and ( vi ) a minimum national salary of 12,000 kwanzas .
5 It is designed to help people on low earnings .
6 Mr Hunter said : ‘ The minimum wage is designed to help people in low pay service industries .
7 By encouraging the private builder to build houses at low cost to be let or sold , houses were provided at the least cost to the community .
8 They also utilize low-valued , passive , social , and subjective methods disproportionately to study subjects of low social status .
9 The disciplinary process required to keep people of low intelligence in order was simple .
10 The problem is that the vast majority of stand alone fax machines are set up to send faxes in low resolution .
11 Another ruse was to offer houses at low rent or for sale , or to offer signing-on fees far in excess of the £10 theoretically permitted by the FA .
12 Next in line are the treble , middle and bass controls for channel two ; this time they double as a bright control , another notch filter , a contour control — to add warmth at low volume levels — and Rivera 's own trademarked Ninja Boost circuit .
13 Since I lost my job I 've worked as a decoy for Antonescu , luring on innocent foreigners who come here to take advantage of low Hungarian prices .
14 Two months ago the British government took out advertisements in regional newspapers in Germany encouraging business to come to Britain to take advantage of low labour costs compared to elsewhere in the E C. The advertisement proudly noted that the labour cost index for Britain is one hundred , compared to one seventy eight in Germany .
15 Ill-defined regions of the data , rational equations , unjustified polynomial fits ( particularly for extrapolations ) , failure to examine data at low X and Y values sufficiently , reversing X and Y values , and as the manual puts it , ‘ trusting numbers rather than the evidence of your own eyes ’ are some others .
16 In places the river is fifteen feet above normal , and some farmers have been warned to move stock from low ground .
17 It 's easier to dismiss reports of low employee morale than face the facts and act accordingly .
18 Givaudan , ICMESA 's Swiss owner , had patented a process in which tetrachlorobenzene would react with soda to produce TCP at low temperatures .
19 This point is sometimes misunderstood : the intention was never to intimidate drivers into low speeds by designing visual handicaps into the streets ( Figure 4.6 ) .
20 High time to make use of low rates
21 There is some evidence that parents of low intelligence tend to produce children of low intelligence but this is not invariably the case and , where it is , it is just as likely to be as a result of environmental deprivation as of heredity .
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