Example sentences of "[pos pn] fingers on the " in BNC.

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1 I tap my fingers on the table and look at McDunn 's cigarette packet , hoping he 'll get the hint .
2 With my fingers on the handle I looked through the glass at the new world beneath me .
3 I drummed my fingers on the desktop .
4 I paused with my fingers on the plunger .
5 Not the splashers on of paint and not the witty designers of operatic sets , not those who claim to have their fingers on the pulse of things and not those who shut themselves up and ignore the world .
6 The participants place their fingers on the top of an upturned glass or pointer on castors .
7 Spreadsheet vendors ca n't be accused of not having their fingers on the pulse of their market .
8 Children have their fingers on the record button and watch what they like .
9 Well during this programme I 'll be talking with a number of people who are involved in the industry who have their fingers on the pulse of what is commonly known as the tourist industry .
10 It is attempting to find out what is causing the mix , indicating it does not have its fingers on the distribution pulse because of its two-tiered channel .
11 She drummed her fingers on the Canadian maple table instead .
12 Tabitha sighed in annoyance and drummed her fingers on the desktop .
13 She replaced the receiver and tapped her fingers on the dog-eared directory as she waited for it to ring .
14 Jane reached out and rested her fingers on the back of his hand .
15 ‘ Parceline , parceline … ’ she breathed , tapping her fingers on the thick steering wheel .
16 Quickly wiping her fingers on the cotton wool , she tore a large plaster from its paper envelope and pressed the dressing into place over the lacerated bump .
17 She drums her fingers on the banister as I edge back to the lounge .
18 Holding her head high , she went over to the rail and rested her fingers on the chrome , looking out over the sparkling , sun-streaked water .
19 Drumming her fingers on the wheel , she contemplated her options .
20 She crossed her fingers on the lie .
21 Mentally she crossed her fingers on the lie .
22 Herr Nordern gulped his beer and drummed his fingers on the table .
23 It made Bella shriek and wave her arms about and it set Joe drumming his fingers on the table with that quiet disapproval that was worse than anything Bella could do .
24 He glanced at the clock and nodded his approval without breaking the rhythm created by his fingers on the strings .
25 Leaving the engine running he drummed his fingers on the wheel .
26 Markby tapped his fingers on the table top and hissed with exasperation .
27 Rudakov drummed his fingers on the table to count out five slow seconds , then called quietly for the prisoner to be brought into his presence .
28 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
29 Now he drummed his fingers on the edge of the shelf ; he looked bored .
30 After replacing the receiver , Adam stared through the French windows to the terrace , drumming his fingers on the desk .
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