Example sentences of "[pos pn] brother [coord] i " in BNC.

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1 He is not my brother but I am his keeper .
2 In the 1950s it was rung by my mother to summon my brother and me to meals .
3 To my brother and me had fallen the task of disentangling our parents ' possessions from the original contents of the house .
4 ‘ I was only a small child when my parents sent my brother and me to an orphanage .
5 But er we got out eventually , and they managed to get a road through to us , and but er And er I remember another time where a bank came in and they were one man trapped in the far end and there were another man trapped on this end and my brother and me we we dug round to him , we got to him , we got him bared so far and what To his waist , and it was still bitting and we got hold of his belt , right , ready ?
6 But who knows out of the 20,000 people who visited the event this year , there may be similar people to my brother and me who enjoy music to the full and who could be in the top three next year !
7 ‘ Smuggling my brother and me into the Butcher Building . ’
8 Well it kept us and er when we were the school holidays my brother and me used to gather whelks and and that .
9 My brother and I had already discussed the possibility of this not being the real Lone Ranger but an impersonator dressed up , and when our man appeared we knew .
10 My brother and I were able to attend these from a very early age , and take part in them , though they would sometimes go on until the early hours of the morning .
11 My brother and I used to have a joke — we saw how hard our father worked — that we would only consider medicine if we could become specialists in venereal diseases , because we would never have to get up in the middle of the night and we would never be out of work .
12 So I think my brother and I saw flowers , birds and insects through her eyes .
13 My brother and I would imagine all manner of things to be lurking at the top , from demons ' castles to wizards and fairies .
14 The ruins of a great banqueting hall remain and , as boys , my brother and I refought many an imagined battle amongst the grey stones of Brough of Birsay .
15 Some weeks later my brother and I were passing through London , and I asked if I might bring him to see her .
16 Soon , my brother and I knew , it must separate us , and we lived these last months together in the mutual kindness that ( I hope and imagine ) commonly exists between deeply attached people of whom one has been condemned by the doctors — but we might both be condemned .
17 I never met him , but my brother and I had a glimpse of him at Paddington in 1940 , when he took Ivy and Margaret to Woodstock .
18 My brother and I were brought up in the Catholic faith .
19 My brother and I would be misbehaving noisily .
20 My brother and I behaved with an immune princeliness that was galling .
21 Sir Robert Brackenbury , constable of the Tower , informed me this morning that my brother and I are to be moved . ’
22 In the nightmare my father , the under-gardener , my brother and I were throwing sticks to bring down walnuts from the great tree halfway between our home and the Court .
23 Here my brother and I were immediately enrolled in the choir of St Luke 's church .
24 Out there my brother and I were allowed an hour 's TV after supper — that was the ration .
25 She survived two strokes , and my brother and I used to say ‘ At the third stroke ’ — We did , it was a great joke — he was only twelve , my brother .
26 I had also discovered that there would be little , if any , use for a car on Moila , so both my brother and I had arranged to travel up by train .
27 Their natural children are very well qualified academically — they only played tennis — but my brother and I were into sport .
28 ‘ My father turned farmer — well , small farmer : he had about two hundred acres ; and my brother and I spent days in the fields .
29 My brother and I used to sit together and drive this old horse up and down the field and throw the hay all over the place to get the sun .
30 My brother and I are having a few people in for a drink before lunch on Sunday .
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