Example sentences of "[pos pn] attempt [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As part of their attempt to cure themselves they developed their own delusionary worlds , which were in turn often treated by non-analysts as a symptom of a disease instead of being seen as an attempt at self-cure .
2 What is striking about the Information Workstation Group 's efforts is that their actual study of multimedia is far better than their attempt to define it .
3 Innovators of ‘ informal ’ drama seem in fact to have failed abysmally in their attempt to explain their approach to the public at large and in particular to other subject teachers , headteachers and L.E.A .
4 It is evident that Howard and colleagues reduced the level of service in their attempt to extend it from Sunderland alone to 13 additional hospitals in the region .
5 During his lively speech Mr Giles sharply criticised publishers for the overproduction of children 's books , and poured scorn on their attempt to justify their differential treatment of book clubs and supermarkets .
6 The Nice club had flown the 6ft 9in giant for their training camp in August , but failed in their attempt to sign him on .
7 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
8 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
9 It was the British proposals which , as much as anything , stalled Scandinavian discussions on a Nordic common market , for if Britain was to be fortunate in its attempt to forge something beyond the Europe of the Six , the Nordic states would have little choice other than to follow the British lead .
10 In 1985 Ford failed in its attempt to merge its European car production facilities with those of Fiat , largely on the issue of which company would be dominant in the partnership .
11 If the use of political anti-semitism can be seen as a crucial stage in the decline of the BUF from a national movement to a localized racial populist organization , then its attempt to resurrect its political pretensions in the Peace Campaign of 1938 — 40 merely hastened its inevitable total destruction .
12 A policy of legality and the maintenance of public order was officially adopted by the BUF in its attempt to portray itself as a responsible organization .
13 Cisco Systems Inc , Menlo Park , California , has managed to pull 12 other companies behind it in its attempt to develop its APPI , Advanced Program-to-Program Internetworking alternative to IBM Corp 's Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking .
14 She did not feel she was doing very well in her attempt to persuade herself that her life was full of joys and worth living .
15 Although the Chevalier de Boufflers was highly successful , with fifteen editions published , her attempt to place it in context in The French Revolution was harshly treated by some historians .
16 Eventually he disappears , leaving Dora stranded alone , and the last two sections of the novel deal with her attempt to rediscover herself .
17 He was reading her too well , despite her attempt to disguise her feelings .
18 Her father was instantly contrite and abandoned his attempt to bait her .
19 She decided she was n't going to be thrown off by his attempt to annoy her .
20 Some places welcomed Julian 's pagan revival ; others , including some large and important cities , were much less enthusiastic about his attempt to reimpose it after a generation of rule by Christian emperors .
21 His attempt to murder her seemed to have given him a new strength in the relationship .
22 He smiled encouragingly , and Juliet was gratified by his attempt to include her in the conversation .
23 His attempt to re-create it embraced both method and people .
24 She returns to Thornfield Hall to find the building burned , and Rochester blinded and maimed from his attempt to save his wife from the flames .
25 HIS left foot is pointing away from her , which shows he is not confident that he has succeeded in his attempt to dominate her .
26 In the event , his attempt to impose his new conservative orthodoxy upon these churches was to cause disturbance and resistance abroad , and ultimately civil war and revolution at home .
27 So Raymond of St Gilles , after he had claimed the Rouergue in 1079 , prepared himself for his attempt to oust his brother as count of Toulouse , in a ceremony at the shrine of St Robert at La Chaise-Dieu :
28 Despite his apparent desire , matching the sudden irrational flaring of her own treacherous libido , he still suspected her of having designs on the family fortune , and she would n't be at all surprised to discover that his attempt to kiss her just now had been a sort of test .
29 His own vicissitudes in love are a feature of the story he tells , as is his attempt to understand his disconcerting brother and to produce reflections on the meaning of it all .
30 We ended up alienating one group of potential Labour voters by appearing to cap their aspirations , while failing to appeal to another group who were not impressed by our attempt to offer them greater benefits .
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