Example sentences of "[pos pn] attention to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Roger Jones of Ex Libris , publisher and bookseller in Bradford on Avon , draws my attention to a reference to the bookshop in Miles Kington 's newly published The Jazz Anthology ( HarperCollins , £17.50 ) .
2 I was walking down Wood Street , Wakefield with a friend who , with a nudge and a nod , directed my attention to a couple gazing into a shop window .
3 She showed me to my rooms and called my attention to a postcard on the mantlepiece from my tutor …
4 The small flock of eight flitted before me along the hedgerow , drawing my attention to a white post in a bed of slender St John 's wort and wood sage .
5 It was n't until lunchtime that my boss drew my attention to the strange ‘ hairband ’ I was wearing .
6 Even if it is only for one moment that a spasm in your face draws my attention to the intensity of your pain , a glimpse from which I flinch back into insensibility , it is during that moment that a choice between my conflicting pulls to help and to ignore will be made in fullest awareness .
7 The flats face Carntyne dog track , and I gaze out of the window at the greyhounds as they sprint after the electric hare , then , late in the afternoon , transfer my attention to the road , in the hope of seeing my father appear again with sweeties , and notebooks for me to draw in .
8 It was an aerial photograph that first drew my attention to the site — and not a very clear photograph at that .
9 Encouraged by the finding of this tiny coin , I turned my attention to the second side of the pond and began the same operation along its full length .
10 Only after a time did I force my attention to the other problem — Gharr 's demand for the phetam in return for Mala .
11 Unfortunately I had not realised that a stern rope had already been passed to the ship and an indignant shout from my crew on the after deck drew my attention to the long nylon rope which was now snaking dangerously round the bollards as we drew away .
12 One of the children pawed at my lap , as if returning my attention to the lady on the velvet throne .
13 I returned my attention to the papers on my desk as Talbot left the room .
14 So while the Apostate 's squaring the circle with the last of Gittel 's breed , I turn my attention to the nearest branch of the familial tree of old Shmuel ben Issachar .
15 I thank my hon. Friend for drawing my attention to the representations that he has made .
16 I am grateful to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) for drawing my attention to the article in the Evening Standard .
17 It was not however , until I arrived in the country , and found myself surrounded by objects as strange as if I had been transported to another planet , that I conceived the idea of devoting a portion of my attention to the mammalian class of its extraordinary fauna . ’
18 When therefore I perceived that there were three species of liberty which are essential to the happiness of social life , religious , domestic and civil , and as I 've already written concerning the first , and the magistrates were strenuously active in obtaining the third , I determined to turn my attention to the second , or the domestic species .
19 If I suddenly transfer my attention to an object or some aspect of the physical environment ( after all , inanimate things are much easier to deal with , are n't they — they do n't have emotions ) when you 're revealing thoughts and feelings , then once again I 've dodged your agenda .
20 I am indebted to who has drawn my attention to an article reprinted in the Journal of Applied Occupational Environmental Hygiene , August 1992 , Vol 7 pp 532–40 , to whom I am also indebted for permission to use extracts for the benefit of this article .
21 Critics have unfortunately tended to restrict their attention to a group of poets only slightly larger than that identified by Southey .
22 MINERALS companies and geologists are turning their attention to a newly-discovered deep-sea phenomenon which promises an important source of metals .
23 p.387 ) draws attention to ‘ the propensity observed in young people to restrict their attention to a small area of a picture ’ .
24 How many women want to sit down at two o'clock and give an hour and a half of their attention to a play of any sort whatsoever , let alone one about the life of somebody who collects Irish folk ballads ?
25 It seems that , whenever blacks turn their attention to a particular sport , they rise to a high order of competence in it .
26 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
27 What if we simply draw their attention to the trailing ends ?
28 It was when Colonel de Basil re-started Diaghilev 's Ballets Russes that his major choreographers , Massine , and later , Balanchine , turned their attention to the symphonies , concertos , chamber and other music by composers such as Tchaikovsky ( Fifth Symphony for Les Présages ) , Brahms ( Fourth Symphony for Choreartium ) , Beethoven ( Seventh Symphony for Seventh Symphony ) , Mozart ( music for Mozartiana ) and Bach ( Double Violin Concerto for Double Concerto . )
29 The soldiers then turned their attention to the police and a free fight broke out .
30 As it settles down and the chances of ever attaining the radical goals become ever more remote , members begin to shift their attention to the routine satisfactions of just ‘ being a member ’ .
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