Example sentences of "[pos pn] back to the " in BNC.

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1 Here I built a small fire , and putting my back to the rock lit a cigarette .
2 I used to try and act in straight plays but I was so bad they made me act with my back to the audience .
3 I was standing with my back to the aviary , my jacket almost touching the wire mesh , still puzzled .
4 I got on the train and settled myself in a corner compartment with my back to the engine , feeling pissed and happy as the carriages rolled out of Victoria towards Clapham Junction and the South Coast .
5 I managed to get a spot with my back to the wall .
6 To the right was the outline of the dovecot where , as a child , standing in the doorway with my back to the sunlight , I fought my shadow with a wooden sword .
7 I was sitting with my back to the door .
8 I stood with my back to the partition wall , watching .
9 With my back to the self-service counter I followed Portia Forbes 's progress along it through Tom 's eyes .
10 Turning , with my back to the hillside for a minute , I watch the red dragon of tail-lights slithering tightly down the valley .
11 I want to be out on a limb with my back to the water so that I can see what the rest of the world is doing .
12 I sat halfway down the table with my back to the sink , arranging fish bones in meaningful patterns on the plate while Father and Mrs Clamp exchanged very formal , almost ritualised pleasantries .
13 The bar had a headbanging range of Fuller 's beers but I decided I 'd better be in training for the Exhilarator so I opted for an alcohol-free lager , turned my back to the bar and its temptations and scouted for Werewolf .
14 I incurred the wrath of the old bill as well , by sitting on the top of my seat with my back to the wall .
15 The design chosen was the most innovative of those submitted — a train made from an aluminium bodyshell and driven by a novel A.C. motor which saves some of the energy created when trains brake and feeds its back to the overhead power supply .
16 The design chosen was the most innovative of those submitted — a train made from an aluminium bodyshell and driven by a novel A.C. motor which saves some of the energy created when trains brake and feeds its back to the overhead power supply .
17 The house was a neat Victorian villa in a row with lime trees outside ; Hoomey liked the road better than his own ; it was cosier , somehow , with the trees and the privet hedges and its back to the sea .
18 He puts it down at the base of the new li ga — the stripped pine trunk that all the men brought back from the forest and erected early this morning — and pours some water over the lamb 's head and in a stripe down its back to the base of the tail .
19 Choosing a chair with its back to the front door and Bennett 's look-out post , Kelly sat herself down .
20 As they set up the now empty suit with its back to the door , half slumped over a control panel , he settled down behind the curtained entrance of the showers .
21 Then Louie grins and says : ‘ He is welcome to drink here but he 'd better not choose the chair with its back to the door . ’
22 We shall not be a party to that : If Fascism was , as the Communists insisted , simply capitalism with its back to the wall , then it was realistic to see in Chamberlain 's rearmament programme not the promise of defence against German Fascism , but stage one in the construction of British Fascism .
23 It is not clear however that it has been the stronger adversary which has done so , rather than a weaker party with its back to the wall .
24 — You can turn the monitor round with its back to the class ( only if you have an external speaker , otherwise the speaker in the set will be pointing away from the class and the sound will be muffled . )
25 Dougal grabbed the body 's legs and hauled it on its back to the edge of the gazebo nearest the pond .
26 - Even a large sofa with its back to the table can make an effective divider .
27 Something about the gondola itself which is , after all , only Venice made manifest in the craft of the shipwright metamorphoses almost everyone who travels in it ; especially everyone who sits in the posher seat , the one with its back to the gondolier .
28 Marion was sitting in the sun , her back to the hut that sheltered her from the cold wind .
29 His step-mother was waiting for him , her back to the door .
30 Lee got up and picked up a piece of cross-stitch tapestry from the top of an old record-player and sat down in the rocking-chair , her back to the two young people .
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