Example sentences of "[pos pn] hand [vb past] to " in BNC.

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1 My hand went to the handle of the front door but without my touching it , the handle moved and the door crashed open .
2 It was a shape she knew well , and her hand fell to the covers .
3 Her hand drifted to the back of his head and without any conscious decision of her own it pressed lightly to bring his mouth to her aching , demanding breast .
4 Her hand went to her throat .
5 As he came towards her her hand went to her throat , and he said , ‘ It 's all right .
6 Her hand went to the holstered gun slung on her thigh .
7 Then her hand went to her mouth .
8 Her hand went to her mouth and she looked at me wide-eyed .
9 As she left the dining-room her hand went to the bulge in her pocket .
10 Her hand went to her mouth and she stopped singing .
11 When her hand reached to palm the door-switch he said , ‘ And do n't forget .
12 Her hand strayed to the key that hung around her neck .
13 Then she saw the whip and her hand flew to her throat .
14 Her hand flew to her throat .
15 I told her and her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes widened .
16 Though they were standing as far apart as they could , and though they were both fully dressed , her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes widened .
17 Her hand rose to her lips , soft and still tingling from the hard pressure of his possessive mouth .
18 Sometimes , as he sat at his desk over a dull report , his hand strayed to the telephone and he called her .
19 His hand strayed to the cigarette lighter .
20 His hand went to his eyes .
21 Well , the hatred was strong enough now , and his hand went to his bruised cheek .
22 His hand went to the patch again .
23 His hand went to the inside of his jacket .
24 His hand went to the telephone but withdrew .
25 His hand went to the hilt of his sword .
26 His hand went to the small of her back , pulling her to him once more in spite of her resistance .
27 Then he saw Mr Quigley and his hand went to his mouth .
28 His hand went to the button of his jeans and she hastily lowered her lids .
29 As his hand came to her arm she lashed out at him and he caught her close to save himself the trouble of subduing her in any other way .
30 It was just the way his hand flew to his pocket when you hammered at the door . ’
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