Example sentences of "[pos pn] mother [Wh pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I wrote to my mother who lived up at Manzanita with her sister , Mrs. R. V. Hungerford , telling her how I was leaving my position and would write again when I had found some place I liked .
2 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
3 He broke all records , but it was my mother who filled in the forms .
4 And I had to say this in front of my mother who had to be present , which was even more degrading .
5 My mother who had reached the door turned to look at me .
6 It was my mother who taught me to cook and who taught me too about being a mother .
7 It was my mother who brought me to my senses .
8 That day the bones of the brother of my mother who went to the bottom of the sea will rise up through the green waters , and when they meet the air they will take on his flesh again , and he will swim far up into the endless air and he will meet the old man , free of his dust walking in the air , and my mother flying , and me flying , and I will be laughing .
9 My mother who did virtually nothing except cooking and the housework Mrs Raffald did n't do , and who went hardly anywhere , clearly considered this a terrible waste of time .
10 So it was my mother who pointed the police in the right direction .
11 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
12 When she had been a tiny child , and Fenna had still been a small , manageable and undemanding dragon she had , often spoken of him , to her mother who had grinned , to her grandmother who had smiled , and to her schoolteachers and friends , who had laughed indulgently .
13 She shouted her innermost feelings about the hurt and anger she felt towards her mother who had ill-treated her a great deal when she had been young and in her mother 's care .
14 It was just a place where she had been left , and as she grew out of infancy she knew that it was her mother who had left her there .
15 Dorothy Stanton Wise was born deaf at Dover where she was educated at home by her mother who had taken her to see the Rev. Thomas Arnold at Northampton for advice .
16 It was her mother who had done wrong .
17 It was her mother who had told her about Timothy 's frequent visits to the village of Yelton , and Tipper who had confirmed her mistress 's story , adding that Amsterdam was a gormless idiot and Topaz Chilcott a dirty slut .
18 ‘ I heard on Wednesday from a neighbour that she had been left alone by her mother who had gone to Spain .
19 ‘ Oh ! ’ gasped Rachel , her gaze darting to her father who was standing behind the wheelchair and her mother who stood beside them .
20 Peter the Great had a particular liking for Scots , probably influenced by his mother who had been reared by a Scotswoman , and by his own guardian after his father 's death having been a General Menzies .
21 Prince Albert had inherited the hereditary disease , otosclerosis , from his mother who had herself inherited it from her own mother , Queen Louise of Denmark .
22 At the subsequent press conference held high in the stadium stand , Foster hushed even the most hardened of hacks by dedicating his gold medal to his mother who had died two years earlier , along with other members of his family , in a car crash .
23 He had just been de-mobbed from the Army , intended to go up to Oxford to work for his Doctorate in the autumn , and was looking for a house for his mother who had recently been divorced .
24 If he could have talked to her in Italian it would have been different , but his correct English , which he had learned from his mother who had had an English governess , and which he only ever spoke with her friends or on a case that required it , was of no use to him now .
25 His father who mended the broken wings of birds , his mother who had loved him for his gentleness ?
26 All Frizingley knew it , even his mother who had grown so incensed about Linnet 's poverty that she would have poisoned her if she could .
27 I believe it was your mother who said , Would n't it be the best thing ? ’
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