Example sentences of "[pos pn] eye [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The smoke blows in my eyes making them water and sting , so I get up , move and freeze my ass off sitting beyond the smoke in the wind up the valley .
2 I sat in front of him watching as he ate , my eyes following his hand from the moment his fingers plunged into the bowl until it rose into the air , and carried the food into his mouth .
3 ‘ And are my eyes deceiving me or are you not the girl who ruined the broomstick display last year ?
4 ‘ It 's easy to be frightened , ’ Frick said as he walked round the table , behind them , their eyes following him .
5 She laughed caustically , her eyes meeting his in the mirror of the pool , challenging him .
6 ‘ Of course , ’ she answered , her eyes meeting his knowingly .
7 She said it simply and quietly , her eyes meeting his without flinching .
8 Very deliberately she closed her teeth gently on his fingertip , her eyes holding his , and with a smothered sound Penry jerked his hand away and seized her in his arms , his kiss igniting a response which set them both alight .
9 She nearly spat the words at him , her eyes holding his defiantly , making him feel very uncomfortable .
10 Carrie nodded , her eyes searching his face for something .
11 But I 'll be untouched and intact in the morning ! ’ she said , her eyes daring him to say otherwise .
12 He waved her to a comfortable old armchair , and she sank into its deep cushions , curling up apprehensively on the big seat , her eyes watching him guardedly , trembling at the thought of what he had in store for her .
13 Maggie came out of her trance , flushing rose-pink , her eyes avoiding his .
14 For weeks now she 'd been recognizing him , her eyes following him round the room , and she tried to pull herself up in the cradle to see him better .
15 She bent down momentarily , brushing the dust from her clothes , then straightened up , her eyes following him .
16 He probably had to make a phone call or something , Ronni decided , her eyes following him as he disappeared inside .
17 He went to her , taking her shoulders gently , wanting , despite his anger , to make things right between them , but she shrugged him off , turning violently to confront him , the fury in her eyes making him take a step back from her .
18 She cast a swift , assessing look over Shannon , her eyes giving nothing away .
19 Only too aware that her bed was just a few feet away , she gazed up at him , her eyes showing her confusion .
20 ‘ No ! ’ she whispered , her mouth , her eyes denying what he intended .
21 ‘ You know the heat is off , Ruth , ’ he told her , his eyes catching hers and holding them for a few seconds .
22 Even in the darkness she caught the sweep of his eyes touching her naked shoulders .
23 ‘ No reason , ’ he said easily as he sipped his tea , his eyes watching her steadily over the rim of the mug .
24 His hand moved down the length of her body , stroking away her remaining garments , his eyes watching her as she shivered with delight , shaking her head wildly , and he bent his head , a growl of satisfaction leaving his throat in a completely masculine way .
25 She could feel his eyes watching her .
26 It 's between you and me , ’ he said quietly , his eyes holding her startled gaze with a compelling force .
27 Luke paused deliberately , his eyes holding hers .
28 His eyes holding hers in an almost hypnotic stare , he asked softly , ‘ What 's so terrible about a kiss ? ’
29 Luke stared levelly at her , his eyes betraying nothing as they centred on her face .
30 Luke studied her , his eyes raking her face .
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