Example sentences of "[pos pn] eye [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 But at last she made an effort to pull herself together , and , dragging herself from the bed , she went to the wash-basin , where splashes of cold water to her eyes made her feel more normal .
2 Upon closer inspection , only her eyes give her away , quick with the flicker of paranoia , scanning the room like marbles .
3 No man had ever looked at her like that in her life , and his eyes left her in no uncertain terms as to what he was thinking .
4 His eyes surveyed her .
5 His eyes surveyed her for a moment .
6 ‘ That was quick ! ’ he said , but his eyes complimented her , which she found disconcerting .
7 He felt the glass being tweaked from his fingers and opened his eyes to see her disappearing into the kitchen .
8 His eyes followed her everywhere .
9 Wherever she went his eyes followed her and she wished he would speak even if it was only a harsh word .
10 That soft , cloudy light in his eyes unhinged her .
11 And it seemed to her that for a moment his eyes ensnared her , as though he had reached out a hand and taken hold of her .
12 The look in his eyes frightened her : there was the look of murder in them .
13 Subdued by the mockery , she joined him at the door he was now unlocking , still not wholly trusting him , and the gleam in his eyes told her he knew it .
14 But he had her between a rock and a hard place , and the look in his eyes told her only too clearly that he knew it .
15 She felt strangely shy about undressing in front of him , and the look in his eyes told her he understood .
16 The look in his eyes told her quite clearly he did n't believe a word of it , and she struggled to maintain a bland , ingenuous expression on her own features , wondering if even he could be cruel enough to brand her a liar .
17 The predatory gleam in his eyes told her in no uncertain manner that he wanted her too .
18 The gleam in his eyes told her he was ready for the challenge .
19 It went against the grain to meekly obey , but the look in his eyes told her in no uncertain terms that she was standing on the edge of a minefield .
20 ‘ No reason , ’ he said easily as he sipped his tea , his eyes watching her steadily over the rim of the mug .
21 His hand moved down the length of her body , stroking away her remaining garments , his eyes watching her as she shivered with delight , shaking her head wildly , and he bent his head , a growl of satisfaction leaving his throat in a completely masculine way .
22 She could feel his eyes watching her .
23 The knowing look in his eyes let her know she had n't fooled him for an instant , but he gave a single nod .
24 What she saw in his eyes made her catch her breath .
25 The gleam in his eyes made her uncomfortably certain he knew perfectly well what she 'd just been thinking .
26 The impact of his eyes caused her to blink almost defensively .
27 His finger pressed her lips , his eyes warning her not to continue .
28 The ruthless cynicism in his eyes smote her like a physical blow .
29 Guido took a mouthful of his whisky , his eyes scanning her amusedly over the top of his glass .
30 She took to living in her swimsuit , a colourful sarong tied at her hips , long black hair streaming loose and silken down her slender back , and Damian would watch her with intent eyes as she moved around the house , his eyes eating her up as she grew more and more sensual , her inhibitions almost completely erased by his lovemaking .
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