Example sentences of "[pos pn] eye [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 In the shadow of the bus , a vulture wheeling overhead , I kept my eyes fixed on the bush behind us .
2 I keep my eyes fixed on my script .
3 I revolve about you , dazed and unhappy , with my eyes fixed on you helplessly .
4 My eyes fell on the bed and to my horror something began slowly to stir under the blanket .
5 The swing-door dividing the buffet from the kitchen contains a central , circular pink-tinted window and , as I gaze through it at the catering staff , my eyes fall on a cross between Fassbinder 's Querelle and one of Hieronymus Bosch 's more frightening paintings .
6 I sat , dozed , slurped from the wineskin , said a few prayers and kept my eyes fastened on the Lady Chapel .
7 I 'd no idea how I was going to deal with this until my eyes settled on the grate .
8 Without moving and keeping my eyes focused on the page , I thought ‘ dinner , Sorrel ’ .
9 My eyes stayed on his wrists , and moved up to his starched cuffs , somehow more noticeable than all that gold , or gold paint in the case of the watch .
10 ‘ The most extraordinary thing happened , ’ he explained , ‘ I was sitting here ( at his desk in Kensington palace ) , and I happened to look at the bookshelf , and my eyes settled on a book about Paracelsus .
11 My eye falls on the geraniums by the window , which all the way through this conversation , presumably , have been continuing to scent the office air .
12 my eye fell on a little hymn which my sister had copied ; it was that beautiful one : ‘ There 's a home for little children Above the bright blue sky …
13 My eye fell on a page she had left on the kitchen table the other day and I had noted , before I could avert my eyes , a pretty scholarly history of my conversion to double-knotting , after an incident when I was unable to get out of the train at Greenwich one evening and found myself being carried on to Maze Hill , because someone was standing on the trailing lace of my shoe .
14 The official blurb explains that the plaster figures ‘ stand as if boldly forging ahead , their eyes fixed on our motherland 's beautiful future ’ .
15 The storm had passed and done its worst ; now the women gathered , dressed alike in full dark skirts and tucked-in blouses , shawls pulled over their heads — re-enacting a painting by Krøyer , their eyes fixed on the sea .
16 Several other Muslim families stood by in shock , their eyes fixed on brush fires scorching the opposite hillside .
17 Modern scholars , conscious of the large issues involved in this struggle , have generally found this intrusion of the local and material interests of the church of Canterbury at a critical moment incomprehensible , and having their eyes fixed on the historically more important matters of investiture and homage , they have supposed that Anselm 's eyes must also have been similarly directed .
18 If , amidst the generally apocalyptic atmosphere of the time , devout Jews were anxiously awaiting the advent of two Messiahs — one royal from David , one priestly from Aaron — they would have had their eyes fixed on a limited number of families .
19 The Doctor had expected this to provoke some reaction but the Chelonians remained resolutely silent , their eyes fixed on the big screen that showed a trundling view of their journey through the wastes .
20 They would just stand there , motionless , their eyes fixed on the horizon , scarcely speaking to each other .
21 Then again they would just stand there , or squat down in the shade of a sand hill , their eyes fixed on the two endless parallels , following them out until they joined and lost themselves in the bush .
22 The rest of them kept their eyes fastened on the duke , waiting to see what lay behind his summons .
23 I did n't realize Farouk … ’ she trailed off when she saw Graham and Laidlaw both look past her , their eyes riveted on the man who had appeared in the doorway .
24 They demanded a re-trial claiming their clients had noticed members of the bench had their eyes closed on the opening day of the hearing .
25 Some of the dealers clearly had their eyes cocked on the coming Biennale des Antiquaires , and were holding back their best pieces .
26 Ludus is strictly for women with their eyes set on newsagents ' mid-shelves
27 Do their eyes focus on brighter tomorrows ?
28 The cat looked up , and then it began to work its way upwards , its eyes fixed on its intended prey .
29 Bill looks at the Danish and then at the dog , its eyes fixed on the Danish .
30 It whined , backed away with its eyes fixed on Grimma , and then darted off into the darkness .
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