Example sentences of "[to-vb] and give [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you take a facial expression anyone of the seven dwarfs and you want to try and give a dramatic idea how to present that face or that attitude to do it just by standing there without curtains opening on you and all that sort of thing it 's quite diffi , it 's quite difficult !
2 We have erred I think in several instances to try and give a margin of flexibility er I think if we 'd really tried hard to follow a policy of restraint within the assumptions of this model , we could have produced even lower figures than we have .
3 In order to try and give the market some confidence the government organised a temporary ‘ buy-back ’ scheme , which provided , in effect , a minimum support price for the shares ( only 2 per cent of the shares issued were in fact returned ) .
4 maybe , maybe , people could just be thinking or , you know if they hear of somebody who might be able to come and give a talk like your friend who , who was very good , erm , you know , we could make a note of it and , or ask people , you know , could talk to talk or something that sort .
5 Having asked Jane Pargeter to come and give a formal statement at Chester Row , Blanche halted just outside the open door to the flat .
6 Ah well , you know when the , they used to come and give a , give a hand .
7 It 's to do with the Government housing policy at national level , but there are certain things we can do , and I remember about two and a half years ago I arranged for a group of people to come and give a seminar to the Housing Committee .
8 Held , allowing the appeal , that although justices had an overriding duty to investigate the proposals advanced by the parties notwithstanding that they had been fully agreed , the profundity of that investigation should reflect the reality that there was consensus between the parties , particularly when one party was a local authority with statutory duties and another the child 's guardian ad litem , and any period during which justices reserved their decision or reasoned judgment should be kept to a minimum ; that if justices , having fulfilled their duty to make an independent investigation of terms proposed by consent , came to the conclusion that other terms should be imposed on the parties , they should indicate the terms they were minded to impose and give the parties an opportunity to make submissions on them ; and that , in all the circumstances , the order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father on the basis that the local authority would continue to perform its statutory duty to review each six months and that the half-sister would be afforded reasonable contact ( post , pp. 277B–F , 278C–D ) .
9 He managed to push it away one-handed , only for Mark Wallis to pounce and give the visitors the lead on 20 minutes .
10 ‘ The role of the theatre in times like today is to elucidate and give a positive lead . ’
11 In his own teaching ( as Margaret suggests ) he could always find something to praise and give a student added confidence .
12 Most test kits are quick and easy to use and give a good indication of the quality of your water .
13 As a guide , the NI has chosen its ten best novels — the ones which are both enjoyable to read and give a vivid impression of life in developing countries .
14 In the process he was trying to turn and give the ball back to his own team and he fell awkwardly and landed on his head and twisted his head under his body .
15 Does the horse come to investigate and give a friendly nuzzle ?
16 For example , in learning to prepare and give an injection , has the student sufficient knowledge of aseptic technique ?
17 A ‘ ginger group ’ within a congregation , specially formed for the learning of new material , can be a useful way to introduce and give a lead in singing it .
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