Example sentences of "[to-vb] the notion that " in BNC.

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1 It will show that , while older people organized themselves into pressure groups and old age itself became an increasingly attractive political issue , ultimately the organizations representing pensioners found themselves powerless to combat the notion that enforced retirement should become the normal experience for older people .
2 These recently published analyses of the likely impact of the Tunnel seem to confirm the notion that infrastructure improvements do not , of themselves , have much effect outside their immediate locality .
3 This first attempt to include the notion that the aim of some instincts seems to be to return to an earlier stage of development , to inanimate matter , was based on his observations of war neuroses and on the compulsion to repeat earlier emotional relationships in the analytic situation .
4 It is frequently difficult for staff to accept the notion that anyone other than teachers should have an active part to play in the development of the school and they are often suspicious of the motives of parents who wish to take an extensive part in school life .
5 Many refused to accept the notion that the peasantry must pass through the mill of capitalism and be divided between rural capitalists and rural proletarians .
6 Within the Rolling Stone thing , I mean , part of it has you as the chief designer and you have to accept the notion that two heads are better than one , which means designers can not
7 Even before the General Strike there was evidence that trade union leaders were beginning to challenge the notion that wage reductions could solve Britain 's economic difficulties and an increasing willingness to threaten industrial action .
8 Peter Laslett , for instance , has attempted to show that the average household size from the late sixteenth century to the twentieth century was 4.75 persons ( that is , always ‘ nuclear ’ ) , and he has used this data to challenge the notion that the nuclear model is a product of ‘ modernisation ’ .
9 I use the word ‘ true ’ to express the notion that consent , or refusal of consent , may be inoperative in law for one of three reasons ; there may perhaps be others , but only these three are relevant to the present case .
10 The special careers data base received over 1000 enquiries , fulfilling one of the main aims of the exhibition to ‘ excite the interest of young people and to reinforce the notion that there is a good and satisfying life to be had in following a trade . ’
11 Sir Patrick said the brochure had a dual aim : to show potential recruits that government legal work was responsible and worthwhile ; and to dispel the notion that the service was for lawyers who had not made it in other parts of the profession .
12 Those investigating the election fiasco will certainly wish to dispel the notion that Britons have learnt to lie to the woman with a clipboard and ballpoint pen .
13 Bill Clinton was meeting the people , this time in the West , trying to dispel the notion that he is a tax-and-spend president .
14 Such arguments as this help to expose the notion that conservation can safely be left purely in the hands of the market economy .
15 Prompted by the rapid development of medical technology over the past decade or so , the medical community has come to reject the notion that death is associated exclusively with breathing and heartbeat , the ‘ vital functions ’ .
16 It was around that time that I began to foster the notion that information was being withheld , that somebody was not telling me everything .
17 In 1943 , Mark Rothko attempted to deflect the notion that the movement amounted simply to escapism , stating , ‘ We are concerned with primitive myths and symbols that continue to have meaning today …
18 In 1943 , Mark Rothko attempted to deflect the notion that the movement amounted simply to escapism , stating , ‘ We are concerned with primitive myths and symbols that continue to have meaning today …
19 The idea is to drop the notion that the handicapped and the non-handicapped are separate groups , whilst still acknowledging that certain children , possibly a fifth of all children educated , may require some form of special education .
20 They helped to overcome the notion that many children had that bookshops were daunting places .
21 Despite the fact that the state has decided to put them to death , many prisoners remain positively patriotic , and refuse to dismiss the notion that America 's injustices can not be reformed .
22 Maternal anxiety is an appropriate response to the experience of living with a crying baby — but what physiological mechanism exists to explain the notion that anxiety causes colic ?
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