Example sentences of "[to-vb] himself [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 A chap can be supervising a spiffing archaeological dig on the Eastern fringes of the Soviet Union one day , only to find himself banged up in a Moscow jail on highly dubious spying charges the next .
2 Hrun kicked away and scrambled to his feet , to find himself looking up into the wild horse-face of the dragon , its nostrils distended .
3 From his own height of well above six feet , Clive Fairbrother was always surprised to find himself looking down on Richard 's imperiously poised head .
4 Having passed from the Mediterranean to the Indus without attracting the attention of a single government official , Battuta , like so many subsequent travellers , crossed the Indian frontier only to find himself caught up in an impenetrable web of bureaucracy : no sooner had they set foot on the east bank of the Indus than intelligence officials ‘ wrote to Delhi informing the king of our arrival and giving him all the details concerning us . ’
5 Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA top gun Elserino Piol told Unigram the real reason behind Olivetti 's embrace of Alpha was all the doubts about the wisdom of his MIPS strategy voiced to his boss Carlo di Benedetti : that caused the politically wary Piol to exert himself to come up with the Alpha alternative .
6 For a tradesman or businessman to allow himself to become over indebted to the extent of being taken to court , let alone jailed , remained a slur if not , at least temporarily , a disgrace and a mark of unreliability .
7 That said his fitness has to be 100% for Wilko to play him at all , and he clearly is liable to get himself sent off .
8 Tomorrow he would have to make a visit to Penrith to get himself fixed up with some more appropriate clothing for this unsympathetic and unreasonable patch of country .
9 ‘ It was n't the joke , it was the ritual — to get himself psyched up for the performance . ’
10 The Khan 's gaze started at his feet and travelled slowly up his body so that by the time their eyes met the Khan was leaning back and holding on to his knees to stop himself falling over .
11 An increasingly common arrangement is for the partnership agreement to provide ( Clause 14.02 ) for each partner to commit himself to take out and keep in force such policies as may be agreed between himself and his co-partners ; and to reinforce that , it may be provided that appropriate deductions should be made from his profit share and applied in payment of the premiums .
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