Example sentences of "[to-vb] that his brother " in BNC.

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1 Normally Desmond was pleased to hear that his brother was doing his share of what he privately called ‘ oldie watching ’ , but tonight he merely said ‘ Good ’ , with a preoccupied expression on his face , and made for the hall .
2 He also had to recognize that his brother was an unselfish person ; so that the axiom , ‘ only religious people are unselfish ’ did not wash .
3 And he glanced down at Changez 's duff hand again as if to reconfirm that his brother had really sent over a cripple as a husband for his only daughter .
4 Cain was jealous and upset to think that his brother was more highly favoured with God .
5 A fragment of the poet Alcaeus ( 50 Diehl 27 Lobel-Page ) has been taken to imply that his brother Antimenides fought against a gigantic Jew during one of the two sieges of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar .
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