Example sentences of "[to-vb] the teacher ['s] " in BNC.

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1 And another comment was that I tend to wear the teacher 's patience talking .
2 It would have been interesting to see the teachers ' reactions to questions about profits from burglary or tax evasion rather than investment .
3 Consequently , the fate of children 's contributions sometimes had less to do with their quality than with their ability to sustain the teacher 's pre-existing intentions for the session as a whole .
4 The authority and the school have wide discretion as to how the records should be compiled , given the two major purposes of providing basic data on a pupil 's progress for other teachers and the parents and providing evidence to support the teacher 's assessment of the pupil 's level of attainment .
5 When the major source of information is the teacher , it is essential that students gather at fixed times , " to catch the teacher 's words during their moments of fleeting life " as Taylor puts it .
6 to inform the teacher 's task of selecting appropriate learning experiences ;
7 The result is , as we have seen , a tendency towards a teacher-dominated style of interaction , in which children are placed in the passive role of respondents , obliged to accept the teacher 's definition of what is considered relevant .
8 The retreat from professional standards which marked the period of industrial action has given new impetus to those politicians and administrators who seek to define the teacher 's role .
9 The truth of this does not make it easy to define the teacher 's role in management .
10 A SHORTFALL of millions of pounds needed to fund the teachers ' pay rise is threatening education standards , angry North councils are warning the Government .
11 The clash between Government and teaching unions certainly made it more difficult to extend the teacher 's role .
12 We had been trying to understand the teacher 's purposes and actions in enabling successful collaboration to take place .
13 For example , only a minority of respondents were willing to abolish the teacher 's desk , and very few felt able to dispense with the convention that each pupil should have his or her own place , or to accept the idea of a classroom in which there were , as a matter of policy , fewer chairs than children .
14 Mr Patten had been shaken by a ( to him ) unexpected decision by the courts not to declare the teachers ' action illegal , and by an NOP opinion poll showing that parents back the boycott .
15 The pre-meeting is essential to clarify the teacher 's aims and objectives and to ensure that as far as possible these can be met .
16 During one of these trials , Sherman refused to label the teacher 's location , saying ‘ Collar ’ instead .
17 A student teacher , during dinner time , asked a boy , Nicky Wragg , to take the teacher 's dinner tray of dirty dishes back to the kitchen hatch for him .
18 School is isolated from life and ‘ the pupil must therefore acquire abstract habits of thought if he is to follow the teacher 's oral lessons ’ ( ibid. p. 171 ) .
19 For example , the ‘ model ’ pupil is one who is always eager to follow the teacher 's line of instruction and is never bolshy or bored !
20 The contract was drawn up to safeguard the teachers ' rights in the situation .
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