Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] give " in BNC.

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1 Shall I to him make know as yet my change and give him to partake full happiness with me ?
2 I might as well just save my pound and give it to whoever fucking wins that thing cos I 've never won it .
3 If I renounced my Fenian oath he would hear my confession and give me communion .
4 I shall take up the individual cases that the hon. Gentleman has brought to my attention and give as detailed an answer on them as possible .
5 Oh how I have longed sometimes to crouch with my head in my rucksack and give myself a squeeze of self-heating steak and kidney pudding , followed by a quick squeeze of hot custard and delicious spotted dick .
6 ‘ I desperately want to defend my title and give a bit of a show back to all those fans around the world — that 's what is motivating me .
7 At least I admit that it 's all to boost my ego , restore my pride and give me pleasure , not to save the country or uphold justice or honour the dead .
8 ‘ Now I 'm going to concentrate on my music and give my career more focus being with a company that understands what I 'm doing .
9 ‘ All you 've done , Dr Vaughan , should you be interested , is wreck my self-confidence and give me an inferiority complex about my looks . ’
10 I ca n't tell anyone , she thought ; people would n't believe me , they 'd just pat my hand and give me tranquillizers .
11 ‘ Because if you do n't I may be severely tempted to put you over my knee and give you the thrashing you sorely deserve . ’
12 Will I put you across my knee and give you a wee smack on the arse !
13 So thank you for approaching us , I wish you all the best , I ‘ ll hop off soon and catch my bus And give my brain a rest !
14 Excuse me , I must lift my cane and give my chaplain a good thwack across the knuckles .
15 It has taken a long time to get justice but the compensation will give financial security to my family and give us sufficient breathing space to try and rebuild our lives .
16 It has taken a long time to get justice but the compensation will give financial security to my family and give us sufficient breathing space to try and rebuild our lives .
17 I told them to put a tourniquet on my arm and give me some morphia , whereupon one of them started to bandage my wrist and the other went off to ask what morphia was .
18 Love for another is one of the main derivatives of this awareness of difference ( two bodies in different skins ) and the accompanying gratitude when good things are provided : ‘ I love you because you are my mother and give me the good things I need . ’
19 For that reason , the model adopted in medical education where the student is continually asked to articulate his or her experience and give reasons for acting in a certain way is particularly valuable .
20 Her concern that the sisters living a life of contemplative discipline should in one respect be totally unrestricted — in their access to , and possession of , books — and the fact that , evidently , the brothers of the order both encouraged and instructed them in the knowledge of theological traditions , illuminates , and is symptomatic of , the problems faced by women who wished to live out their faith and give an articulate account of their experience .
21 People who asked her why she did n't make use of her talent and give singing lessons had perhaps not tried to do this while living in two rooms over a greengrocers , and looking after young children .
22 It is important that the whole family can recognise their grief and give each other emotional support .
23 Hopefully , by the end of the decade , the farmers will accept their fate and give our sea lochs back to the wildlife .
24 Thankfully there are some still willing to take would-be heroes under their wing and give the novice a chance to become a legend .
25 The second and very obvious point that needs to be stated is that if the justices , having fulfilled their duty to make independent investigation of the terms proposed by consent , reach the initial conclusion that those terms are in some respect deficient then before imposing other terms on the parties they must indicate the nature of their departure and give all the parties a fair opportunity to make submissions on their tentative conclusion .
26 If someone comes looking for trouble , you are expected to decline his or her offer and give that person a chance to back off .
27 Last night the Jewson League team put up a tremendously committed performance to underline their quality and give the visiting attackers and mid-field men a hard time .
28 As for working the ebony , it blunts tools very rapidly and it is really best to use scrapers and stockscrapers when performing shaping operations , as they keep their edge and give a superb shiny finish , leaving little cleaning up but for a rub-over with 400 grit paper .
29 I tiptoe over to her bed and give her a nudge .
30 At 3.40 a.m. on Saturday 9th September , David Park joined the trapped men and his presence did much to restore their morale and give them confidence for what was required of them .
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