Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] less [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The best I could do would be to say ‘ I like peaches better ’ , but quite apart from the logical objection to deriving ‘ Choose the peach ’ from this psychological statement , reliance on a generalization about my preference could get me into a habit which would dim my awareness of the tastes , until I fail to notice that I no longer like peaches as much as I did , or that at this moment I hanker after a pear , so that the abortive try at rationalization would make my choice less intelligent .
2 Her eyes were less red than they 'd been , her skin less blotchy .
3 There can be little doubt that , in many large towns from the 1770's on , its fate was becoming less enviable , its living less secure .
4 While such statements could be interpreted as being passive rather than negative in terms of the advancement of building surveying , the Report went on to state that building surveyors ‘ have been less ebullient [ than quantity surveyors ] in recent years — partly because they are less numerous and their work less homogeneous or well defined ; but , to a large extent because they have made a less prolonged and concerted effort to develop their skills and explore the horizons of opportunity , although there has of late been a welcome resurgence in this respect ’ .
5 Users may feel that the new system will make their job less secure , will make their relationship with others change for the worse , or will lead to a loss of the independence that they previously enjoyed .
6 The stolen objects , from the nearby site of Tanagra , had not yet been studied and photographed by the Greek Archaeological Service , thus making their recovery less likely .
7 The main attraction of this proposal is , of course , that reducing the discretion of antitrust agencies may make their behaviour less arbitrary and unpredictable .
8 Its head is more delicate and its tail less bushy .
9 If Finn thought he was going to play hell with her heart he was very much mistaken , and if her carefulness made her life less rich , then that was entirely her own lookout and preferable to the interesting anguish of the uncertain love affair .
10 The southerners had longer legs and were generally of a less heavy conformation ; their skin was thicker , their coat less silky and they were slower to mature .
11 ‘ Stop you , is it ? ’ he roared , his hair less red than his face .
12 He had been Chamberlain 's junior minister , and the rapid reversal of position , combined with Chamberlain 's habitual stiffness of manner , probably made his touch less sure than usual .
13 Alexander , his French less flowing than Frederica 's , asked , inveterately good-mannered , how the Grimauds had liked the play .
14 We are equally thankful for our no less indispensable friends from the private sector , whether they be our Principal Benefactors or those who choose to support a particular event they fancy .
15 Time spent on yourself in this way will also benefit the patient : if you keep yourself physically fit and mentally alert , you will be better able to offer him worthwhile emotional support , and you will find your situation less draining .
16 Although the literary effusions of Hurtley and Wordsworth and the exaggerated landscapes of James Ward and J. M.W. Turner seem a little over the top to us dwellers in the twentieth century ( who , since the advent of the camera and the picture postcard , like our landscape more real and our prose less flowery ) , the scar nevertheless overhangs and dominates the scene as an example of the incredible forces at work when the landscape we now see was formed .
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