Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] calls [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ten minutes later , the president of my bank calls about the same subject .
2 So if the president of my company calls from Allentown and says Ricky I 'd like to see you in my office on the thirtieth , I do n't say I 'm sorry Steve , it 's catch up day , I say what time would be convenient for you Sir , because you know , otherwise I , I 'd be looking for a job .
3 That way he will be able to give everybody their wake-up calls at 6:45 .
4 She took her dance calls with the chorus , and had separate sessions coaching the soloists .
5 Its charter calls for supporting high-volume desktop hardware platforms , initially Intel Corp iAPX-86 and the PowerPC .
6 A favourite device of Borges , for example , is to toy with the reader by sprinkling his fictions with references to real people and places , a technique used to good effect in ‘ Tlön , Uqbar , Orbis Tertius ’ , whose realistic trappings lend credibility to the story of a non-existent world which is the reverse of our own , while the fictional world in its turn calls into question the reality of the one in which we live .
7 Its timetable calls for it to have its requirements back to UI by next July .
8 Jean-Claude made his telephone calls from his parents ' pavillon .
9 ‘ True , she is his partner , she helps him , and when his body calls for lust , she is there for him , but I would not say she is a prime concern in his life . ’
10 Taking his curtain calls after a successful speech , he drew her to him by the hand and entwined his arms with hers until she gently shook him off , whereupon he enjoyed his triumph for a while manfully alone , until he again resorted to his wife Glenys , going to fetch her , leading her again by the hand , and holding her by the waist .
11 His secretary calls on an internal phone .
12 Will the Prime Minister come out of his ivory tower across the road , put his photo calls on hold and face up to his responsibility for the past 13 years of Government mismanagement , which has culminated in the worst economic crisis since the 1930s ?
13 His regime calls for great personal reverence for himself , as Life President and elder and brooks no serious dissent on grounds of personality or policy .
14 The full moon 's appearance in your sign calls for changes to be made in your personal life .
15 Hourcade condemned it as un-French : ‘ our tradition calls for a subject and the originality of Cubism lies precisely in its rejection of the anecdote in order to rediscover the subject ’ ; and he repudiated the idea that all the painters of the Section d'Or had renounced natural appearances : ‘ … it is absolutely false to say that all these painters are turning their backs on nature and want only to produce pure painting . ’
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