Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] gave her " in BNC.

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1 Having identified himself , Michele said , ‘ I 'm sorry to trouble you so late , Maria , but have you any idea if Signora Weston wore the ring my father gave her ?
2 Mrs Fletcher was extremely chic , but her accent gave her a reality .
3 A glance at her watch gave her the perfect excuse to leave immediately …
4 Her Mum give , her Mum gave her thirty pounds one Saturday , for nuffink right .
5 Her defiance gave her the courage to lift her eyes to his for the first time , and she saw the surprise and sudden uncertainty that flashed across them .
6 I do n't think her parents gave her much very much freedom .
7 She was part of a team and content to be just that ; she did n't want to have to leave the protective colouring her job gave her in the safety of the laboratory .
8 Her husband gave her a hug and hurried inside , saying he was going to take a quick bath , then he 'd be down for drinks .
9 For laughing and singing at a funeral her husband gave her a reproving tap , and she had to return to her home in the lake .
10 Matadial 's statement of 12 January 1987 , like her deposition , did not mention the conversations in 1986 but did refer to that of 9 January 1987 , but her account in the statement of her telephone call on 11 January was that , when her husband gave her the receiver , she recognised the voice of the defendant who said , ‘ I have just shot Paulette .
11 She could n't get out of the pit , but somebody knew she was there : her therapist gave her something of the same feeling but was far from being as much fun .
12 But the fowl were irritated by this invasion of their hut and their clucking gave her away .
13 But if her astrologer gave her any warning , she 's not telling anyone .
14 They fell much in love , and her father gave her a fine dowry of fat lake-cattle and his blessing for a happy marriage , with the proviso that the groom never raise his hand to the water-fairy .
15 Her father gave her a smart blue dress , her mother an equally smart green dress .
16 There 's a large suitcase her father gave her which holds all her clothes , there are two carriers full of food and cooking things , and that 's that .
17 Once more her father gave her a scathing look .
18 She was abandoned by her mother when she was a year old , and her father gave her for adoption . ’
19 Her figure though slender was well formed and her height gave her an almost regal appearance .
20 And although her slenderness gave her an air of fragility , Guy had felt the gentle curves of her body when he 'd searched for a concealed weapon .
21 The knowledge that a fat bag of coins was hidden among her stockings in the top drawer of her dresser gave her a cosy feeling of security .
22 Jezrael-Ayesha opened her mouth to say something but her brain gave her nothing to say .
23 When Monday came , her misery gave her a new edge of ruthless efficiency , so that she hardly hesitated in rejecting some of the more out-of-condition stock that the retiring owner tried to include in the valuation .
24 Only his return stopped the beating her brother gave her .
25 Melody did not reply to Seb 's question , but her face gave her away .
26 She knew it was ridiculous , but his words gave her a strange little tingle deep inside , and she was forced to smother the smile that kept trying to push its way to her lips .
27 His words gave her a slight shock as they sent tingles of pleasure through her , but she knew she must not allow them to go to her head , so she pushed them aside as she uttered a light laugh and said , ‘ Me — an angel ?
28 But even his eyes gave her no answer .
29 His unfairness gave her something else to brood over .
30 His room gave her a subject .
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