Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun] told her " in BNC.

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1 but erm he described a , my mum told her everything about a fall the bump on her head , he knew
2 In the morning , she asked where Tom had gone and my auntie told her .
3 Well I made sure my boss told her , that 's .
4 ‘ She said she did not really want to go back to university and my husband told her she did not have to if she did not want to .
5 The latest threat to children recently is not just wait till your dad gets home , but , my daughter told her four week old baby , if you 're not good I 'll put you on the fax and send you through to daddy .
6 She would n't , my mother told her she 's not allowed to take the bed .
7 ‘ She wanted to ring the school the next day but her sister told her you could get into trouble if your child was not attending school .
8 Her employers told her the work was too stressful for someone in her condition .
9 A glance at her watch told her she would have to leave to catch a tram in half an hour .
10 A glance at her watch told her it was already mid-morning .
11 Feeling surprised that she was no nearer solving the enigma of Mark Vila , she tried to find something to take her mind off things , toying with the idea of running a couple of black and white Marlene Dietrich movies , but a glance at her watch told her that it was already late in the afternoon .
12 Not in a career sense , because the leaden weight that lay on her heart told her that his career was now Loxford with Quindale , Church End , New End and Snead until relieved by the trumpets of Doomsday , but as a person .
13 No clue , that was , other than what her heart told her , and as Tom entered the room once more , his eyes coming straight to meet her own , her spirits lifted again and she felt a mysterious sense of rightness about it all .
14 All she was capable of doing was gazing at him , hardly aware of her own nakedness , while her eyes and her mind told her that , far from having to pay for women 's favours , if Rune Christensen had been so inclined he could have made a fortune as a gigolo .
15 Roman 's fingers biting into her waist told her he was n't going to allow her any opportunity to talk .
16 Intuitively , she knew that the little Prince was lying and the dejected lag in his steps as he left her room told her that there was a weight on his spirit .
17 ‘ That could take days if not weeks , ’ her husband told her .
18 Her husband told her she 's got nothing to fear because the things they did together were n't dangerous .
19 Presumably , when her husband told her that he and his boss practised harmless sex , what he meant is that they do n't practise full gay sex .
20 Mrs. O'Brien said that she believed what her husband told her about the company doing well and having good potential , but she was concerned for her son and felt that it was only for three weeks , and if it would do the trick , she would sign .
21 After her husband told her they had been ruined by Wickens , she stormed off to confront him , only to see him setting off on his bicycle .
22 An airman 's wife has told a jury how her husband told her he started a fire which caused nineteen million pounds damage to an airbase .
23 Heather Bailey said her husband told her how he 'd cut cut down a parachute in hangar 8 at RAF Hullavington and lit it with a match .
24 Mrs Bailey says her husband told her he and Corporal Steven Paterson had gone to the hangar after a drinking spree .
25 This time it was because her feelings told her he did n't love her .
26 While a small voice inside her head told her that she would never become queen but would have a tough life she found herself accepting his offer and telling him repeatedly how much she loved him .
27 Then her friend told her that there had just been an earthquake , so the woman concluded that it must have been that good .
28 Her family was appalled and her father told her she would never be allowed into the Royal Enclosure at Ascot again .
29 ‘ Oh , but we do , ’ her father told her .
30 She kicked and screamed her defiance until her father told her that it would be considered very bad manners if she did n't join the other children .
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