Example sentences of "[subord] she [verb] finished " in BNC.

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1 These or other events in her life at this time , even the sad ones like the passing of the first anniversary of her husband 's death , may be the key that will open the door for her to freedom from the prison of grief where she has finished the hard labour of bereavement .
2 Once she 'd finished in the bathroom , she hurried downstairs to collect her shawl .
3 She worked steadily on , until she had finished the first coat .
4 As we walked through the gate , Hannah popped out of the byre and asked us to wait until she had finished showing someone else round .
5 Becky also commented on the new suit , but not until she had finished checking a lengthy column of figures .
6 But he did not look up until she 'd finished speaking .
7 And it was n't until she 'd finished doing the washing-up , and the kitchen had been cleaned to her satisfaction , that she began at last to simmer down .
8 She maintained a stony silence until she 'd finished , then turned briskly .
9 Explain what happened , but just wait until she 's finished talking to Christopher cos she 'll get fed up with you if you keep
10 So I 've just left it until she 's finished with it .
11 doing an honours degree in maths , so I 'm waiting till she 's finished and then
12 I wait till she has finished and gone upstairs .
13 After she had finished signing , I approached her , clutching a drink .
14 After she had finished midwifery and two years as a Benedict 's junior sister she had joined the Royal Navy as a nursing sister for a few years .
15 But after she had finished the first part of her lecture ; after slightly nodding her head to the generous applause ; after the lights had gone up again ; after Ashenden had said ( as every chairman since Creation had said ) how much everyone had enjoyed the talk and how grateful everyone was that not only had the distinguished speaker fascinated each and every one of them but also had agreed to answer any questions which he was absolutely sure everyone in the room was aching to put to such a distinguished expert in the field … it was only then that Dr Moule was able to survey the two intruders .
16 ‘ She said she 'd come and see me after she 'd finished clinic , at around five , but I should call her again if I began contracting .
17 The rear engine ooh she said the the key 's in Ken 's house and we all sat we did n't know whether to clap or get up and walk out , whether she 'd finished or not !
18 She had gone before she 'd finished the sentence , climbing into the sleeping car forward of the kitchen and vanishing from view .
19 Even before she 'd finished speaking , she knew she had gone too far .
20 Josie walked in before she 'd finished .
21 He had died before she 'd finished university , but she had carried out the plans they had made .
22 Before she 'd finished thanking him he was gone .
23 The whole bar was up on its feet to watch even before she had finished laying down the opening phrases ; by the time she was into the full fury of the aria , with its demanding coloratura decorations , its elaborate breathing technique and its famous placing of the pauses , we were all applauding and whistling .
24 Before she had finished hanging out the clothes , there was a glorious double rainbow across the sky .
25 The bad news reached her the next morning even before she had finished dressing , and then before very many days had passed she found out her condition , and the skies really fell in for her .
26 Almost before she had finished speaking , the eyelids had drooped and with a faint snore and a little wriggle , Ann Butler was once more asleep .
27 Drinking the thin , bitter coffee , she reverted to the ideas of the night , to returning home , and before she had finished it was resolved on packing her things and making her way to Holborn station and thence to Liverpool Street .
28 She tried to sound calm and reassuring , but he turned away before she had finished speaking , as if her words meant nothing to him .
29 Just before she had finished it , Annunziata came into the salon with a telegram addressed to Julia .
30 And Julius 's breathing had altered radically almost before she had finished speaking .
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