Example sentences of "[subord] she [verb] come " in BNC.

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1 Although she had come to dislike Dr McNab , believing him to have been indirectly responsible for her father 's death , she remained constantly at his side , helping him to care for the sick and wounded .
2 And , although she had come up with the idea of a visit to Oxford very much on the spur of the moment , it was n't a bad one .
3 He wo n't allow her near the second floor so she 's come to us . ’
4 Or if she had come to his place and told Gina to bugger off , obeying his instructions , he might have rewarded her and let her move in with him permanently .
5 If she had come into his mind he had operated his cancelling switch as he did when any of the denizens of Ecalpemos strayed into his thoughts .
6 If she had come and said , ‘ There 's a flower growing in the garden at number 67 ’ , though this would also be true , it would be hard to see its relevance .
7 If she had come to a pitiful and desperate end , this woman for one would not be sorry .
8 He had half-expected Caterina to fail to turn up , and he was n't sure what he would have done with the girl if she had come .
9 Benedicta , cooler and more composed , was listening attentively to some story the nobleman was telling her , though now and again moving slightly away from him as if she had come to resent the young gallant 's attentions .
10 It was as if she had come to the wrong place , as if the magic that shrivelled Cinderella 's full satins to limp rag had breathed over this place , enchantment vanished in the wood , only the old dank trees still and always there .
11 Merrill paused for a moment , wondering if she had come to the wrong address .
12 If she had come all the way from London , the woman was hardly likely to turn her away .
13 She felt safe and warm and as if she had come home .
14 He did not believe that Rose , if she had come back into the flat , would have let the cat out , or left it unfed .
15 if she had come in
16 I think we ought I think we ought to ask Alison if she 's come across anything
17 Oh , she knew she had learned a great deal during the last two years ; she also knew that a good part of herself was happy , mostly , she thought , because she had come to like Mrs Aggie and living in her house .
18 Finally she returned to her dorm , terrified not so much at the prospect of getting caught but because she had come back empty handed .
19 That he hated the cold and his chilblains and the earth privy and the spiders and not being allowed to eat biscuits and only having roast beef for dinner because she had come .
20 Almost always she answered ‘ yes ’ because she had come to prefer lying still , with his soft sleeping body behind her , breathing the night air scented with pine wood and wild thyme as it came to her through the open shutters , and listening to the faraway ululation of the Borzoi dog chained beneath the walls of the Castello Crocetto .
21 She had not travelled for pleasure since she had come home from her long sojourn and she had wiped out of her memory the simple delights of hot sun and cheap wine .
22 They had quarrelled little since she had come to live with them in March , but he knew his father to be a man of violent temper , and Rhoda to have a mean and verbally savage streak within her .
23 She had gone through rather a bad patch since she had come to live in the banqueting hall .
24 In fact she lay in the warm , dark grey shadows of her room quite at peace for the first time since she had come to Italy .
25 I wished I could , for I could n't forget that what she had said had seemed significant , and of greater , stronger import than anything she had said since she had come back .
26 This was the first sensible suggestion she had heard from the headmaster since she had come to Burleigh School , one week after the beginning of Spring term ( her predecessor having expired , Kennedy 's Latin Primer in hand , in the middle of the pluperfect of Amo with Form 2B ) .
27 It was over six weeks since she had come to work here , and six weeks to the day since his kiss and their painfully honest talk down by the river beneath the moonlight .
28 Ever since she had come to Norfolk the skies had been grey , and she suddenly longed for warmth .
29 He had looked after her since she had come here .
30 At the end , you get to be inside Richie 's head as he righteously kicks the poor woman to death after she 's come for him with a hatchet in each hand .
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