Example sentences of "[subord] at [art] level " in BNC.

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1 Reassurance is another matter , except at the level where all great art reassures ; for a spirit of slippage presides over The Possessed .
2 In such a phase , there may be little interpersonal gratification for those who care and are cared for except at the level of the meeting and satisfaction of basic human needs , unless there is a kind of ‘ love bank ’ in the carer from earlier days .
3 It provided no prescriptions for the substantive curriculum , except at the level of general aims , and these only by way of suggestion .
4 The critical Marxist position , then , takes ideology as a concept formulable at the level of the mode of production , considered as a set of underlying structures , rather than at the level of class or social group .
5 The possibility that this sort of information is represented across an array of cells , rather than at the level of the single unit does , however , mean that single cell recording alone will not give us a useful answer .
6 What is needed , as one of his followers has pointed out , is an account of theories which deals with changes ‘ at the level of the limits and consequences of the epistemological configuration they represent ’ , rather than at the level of individuals .
7 In the main , therefore , its ideologies are to be found in the form of its embodied working practices and unquestioned assumptions rather than at the level of manifest policy statements .
8 This racist behaviour is rational , because such strategies of social closure are logically consistent with the aims of protecting white privilege , and this can best be done through organized forms of discrimination , rather than at the level of individual expressions of prejudice .
9 Yet , first , that outcome of specialization which is an assumed general division between those who create and perform and those who merely receive is not significantly greater at this level of material techniques than at the level of systems of training of inherent resources .
10 This in fact repeats more generally what was stated with regard to environmental competence by Article 130R(4) of the EEC Treaty , inserted by the Single European Act , under which ‘ the Community shall take action relating to the environment to the extent to which the objectives … can be attained better at Community level than at the level of the individual Member States ’ , a provision which does not yet appear to have been the object of scrutiny by the European Court of Justice .
11 The differences between male and female connotations are really located at the level of semantics ( that is the level of meaning ) rather than at the level of syntax .
12 Irrespective of the actual method of replication , the series is found spread across southern England from the Isle of Wight to Suffolk , indicating the extent of social interconnectedness whether at the level of the manufacturer , the ‘ purchaser ’ or the wearer ; people travelled considerable distances during the period ( Arnold 1980 ; Hines 1984 ) .
13 In the case of political empire , the decisive production and reproduction of an area of power was of course by other ( military and political ) means , though at the level of reproduction use of the reproducible image of authority became and has remained very important .
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