Example sentences of "[subord] he comes out " in BNC.

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1 If he comes out against , then it 's war .
2 If he do n't , if he comes out and decides to do something else he 's well and truly
3 " That seems satisfactory , then — he can go straight to you after he comes out of hospital , " — Willis had been admitted to the Waterloo , where it was exceedingly difficult to get a bed , once more with the help of the nurses on Bluebird .
4 You become an MP 's secretary … just before he comes out .
5 Now Vernage is back behind bars and it will be at least 25 years before he comes out to scare anyone again .
6 Put perfume on before he comes out !
7 The police inspector told me : ‘ When he comes out he 'll probably go straight home and attack her . ’
8 Will Vern notice me from the drive when he comes out of the hospital ?
9 But mum and dad have promised him another when he comes out of hospital .
10 The assumption is about what lies behind our saying of a man , when he comes out with the sounds , ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ , that he is asserting that he is going to the bank , but our not saying this of the parrot .
11 Make the reservation , Todney , and check back with him when he comes out of his meeting . ’
12 And when he comes out of hospital , it 's like they 've forgotten he exists — just a couple of visits from a nurse .
13 The air is still cool when he comes out on to the street , and the sunlight has that soft , early-morning freshness which makes even the cars and buses seem alert and hopeful .
14 But as I say , I 'm a loyal person and I 'll wait and make his life worth living when he comes out .
15 I think we 'll put him in special care when he comes out of Theatre . ’
16 We 'll talk about Tyson when he comes out of prison . ’
17 Oh er aye Jimmy , well , I 'll tell you , I 'll see Dougie when he comes out .
18 Honest to God when he comes out with it he 's disgusting .
19 Yeah , so she did n't wan na be rushed down here and near where he 's gon na be when he comes out .
20 Can I can I bring one for Robert for when he comes out ?
21 Mum can I give one to Robert when he comes out of school ?
22 Mum can I give one to Robert when he comes out of school ?
23 He 'll go in for about four months , they 'll give him shock treatment and all that , but as soon as he comes out he starts drinking again .
24 Old Sprout , the greengrocer , banging the door behind him as he comes out of his shop , loosens half a card-load of snow , which skids off his roof and pancakes on the pavement , missing his head by no more than a foot .
25 Now as he comes out of the roundabout he starts overtaking down the offside of those vehicles .
26 We were thinking of the car , a slower car , could overtake a by getting up behind you , and when you coming out , as soon as he comes out
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