Example sentences of "[subord] he [is] trying " in BNC.

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1 But he must work on his kicking in general , especially where he is trying to find touch .
2 The account given in this book , based on the constructional meanings , enables us to give answers to these questions : Why does Oliver imagined her red-haired have two different meanings , one where he is trying mentally to change the lady 's image , and the other where he wonders what sort of person he is going to meet ) ?
3 I heard Brad having a conversation again today about Ooh I do n't feel ye I heard him saying why do n't we feel very happy about this and not and not happy with the subjects and I do n't feel very happy about running the session so go up this way he 's never done the work you see so he 's trying to learn it from i instructions and things and a lot of the time you need to have actually done it to be able to talk about it
4 He sticks it on his head and gives a big grin , like he 's trying to cheer me up .
5 ‘ It looks like he 's trying to out-do her in her field while she moves into his .
6 From here , it looks more like he 's trying to stir up some shit that 's already been stirred up too much by the neo-Nazis .
7 And Murphy himself often looks edgy , as if he 's trying to button his lip ( he seems happiest with the funny improvised boy 's talk routines ) .
8 It 's a romantic notion I know — but to me , with his system idling yet the brain activity so intense , I think it 's as if he 's trying to come to a decision . ’
9 Like an unearthly cross between Paul McCartney , Gerry Sadowitz and someone you beat up every day at school , Louis is Kinky Machine 's trump card , illegally bad leather jacket cast aside to reveal bare chest within seconds , silly guitar played above the head on all-too-many occasions , halfway-house haircut shaken at the crowd as if he 's trying to violently throw off a wig .
10 ‘ Tod Friendly , ’ Tod Friendly keeps grunting without opening his mouth , as if he 's trying to remember it , or learn it .
11 When Odilo has Herta on the bed , splayed and buckled , with her ankles on either side of the headboard , it 's as if he 's trying to kill something rather than create it .
12 If he 's trying to find you the cheapest
13 And I said he 's gon na do damage if he 's trying to get up at the door
14 His eyes are fixed on hers as if he is trying to outstare her .
15 Even if he is trying to attend to the perspectival appearance presented to his point of view he may get it wrong .
16 Anyway I went to see Foxy at lunchtime and erm and he said that erm er and I mentioned it to him and I said you know do n't go up to Sal and say Jess is feeling like erm you know , feeling that he 's , feeling really jealous because er if , if Sal is trying to get back that will just like please him , you know , if he is trying , if that 's the whole aim of the whole , you know , the operation then , then he 'll just feel pleased and it will also embarrass Jessica and she does n't want and if , and if it 's not , if it was nothing , you know , she 'll feel embarrassed so please do n't say anything and he said no no I 'll just make some subtle , subtle comment and he went up to , he told me that he went up to Sal and he goes erm and he says how 's everything going with Jessica and Sal goes yeah it 's good and , and he go erm cos er Phil erm cos Foxy goes oh cos it 's , it 's going really well with me and Catriona , it 's going really well I 'm really enjoying it , what about you , you know , and Sal goes yeah , it 's really good and Foxy goes erm you know is it , is it a long term thing then , you looking for a long term thing do you think and Sal goes yeah , what about you and Foxy goes yeah yeah definitely yeah , you know , cos he was doing it subtly so I came back and I said to Jess you know really , an and Foxy said there was nothing strange about , it was no f you know it was definitely to fe s f erm Sal was er you know being truthful , there was not like erm yeah well yeah you know and trying to get off the subject , it was n't it was completely , yeah , it 's brilliant , going really well , really enjoying it and it 's gon na be long term sort of thing .
17 And is n't that why he 's been sent there rather than anything else , cos he 's trying to see the effects of the new control and see if , you know
18 Dr Clare does not address any of these problems directly , but tells us a lot about his childhood , which seems to have been quite nice , unless he is trying to hide something shameful .
19 ‘ Bryan has a pedal board , but because he 's trying to concentrate on singing and leading the band he ca n't be standing there trying to switch his pedals all night , so I usually run them from the side . ’
20 He does n't realize it fully yet , because he 's trying to be nice to me at the moment .
21 The sort of ghost everyone knows about is the sort who goes haunting because he 's trying to get a lifer to do something for him , like revenge his horrible murder , or discover the hidden treasure , or find a will that 's been lost .
22 In fact it is only because he is trying so hard to get it right that he can be said to get it wrong at all , and the gauche hero is above all the example of social over-anxiety , like Betjeman 's subaltern weak for love on a Hampshire tennis-court : his palms moist at the first handshake , one imagines , his over-careful manners a veneer masking racking uncertainties , and an over-developed sense of social duty enforcing its own inner punishment .
23 It 's not long before he 's trying to explain the telepathic communities that will flourish after the apocalypse to me and offering this example : ‘ It 's like when you fancy someone , and you know you 're going to go with that person .
24 When he 's trying to impress you or your family , he may do all sorts of things he would n't dream of doing after the wedding .
25 ‘ You really must n't bother me too much , old love , must n't disturb the goose when he 's trying to lay the golden egg , y'know . ’
26 Certainly this limpidity is not within Eliot 's reach even when he is trying to be limpid , as in ‘ Ash-Wednesday ’ ; , and of course the experience of a simple person enduring a commonplace and unavoidable sorrow — is such as Eliot could never manage , early or late .
27 No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic and when he is trying to awaken us to something .
28 The radio sketches that Galton and Simpson created for Tony Hancock in the mid-1950s are a back-street version of the same rueful joke : the hero , discomforted by every encounter , gets it wrong when he is trying hardest to get it right .
29 His voice , which sounds like a male version of Dietrich 's , trips over itself when he is trying to communicate one of his many enthusiasms .
30 Thomas and Sally meet on a drenched A1 as he is trying to hitch northwards .
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