Example sentences of "[subord] he [verb] towards " in BNC.

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1 As is his wont , Ash treats Pliable , with whom he might be supposed to sympathise , with more apparent spleen than he directs towards his monstrous monk whose ravings have a certain real sublimity .
2 She looked between his legs , but all was shadow there until he turned towards her and she saw the snake 's head loom .
3 She held out the coffee but he did n't take it , not daring to trust himself if he reached towards her .
4 It was only nine years since Charles Sturt had returned , starving and almost blind , from discovering the Darling and the Murray Rivers ; it was to be another five years before he ventured towards the centre of Australia in search of that mythical inland sea .
5 Half the squadron had a go at Woolley , popping off a couple of rounds in his general direction and then having to dive away fast when he swung towards them .
6 He narrowly avoided collisions with two cars as he drove onto the western bypass and forced the pursuing police car to take evasive action when he drove towards it on another road .
7 Filled with love , she longed to run towards him , but controlled the impulse ; then , when he came towards her with his hand outstretched , her heart felt swollen with joy .
8 Her eyes had darkened to an intense , violent green , sparks flaring within their depths , and when he moved towards her once more she lifted her hand and hit him hard across the face , her palm cracking along his cheekbone with satisfying force .
9 When he turned towards me at Dun Laoghaire , he looked the complete tearaway .
10 When he turned towards Fagin , the box had disappeared .
11 When he turned towards them , his son and Jacques Devraux saw that his fingers were bright with blood .
12 When he turned towards her she said : ‘ I 'm not staying in the house tonight , Francis , I 'm too upset .
13 There was no mistaking the menace in his demeanour as he advanced towards her , and Fran took several hasty steps backwards before coming to an abrupt halt against the wall .
14 ‘ Nobody told me , ’ he said as he went towards the telephone , ‘ about any sonnet . ’
15 Then as he went towards his car she stiffened suddenly .
16 As he came towards her her hand went to her throat , and he said , ‘ It 's all right .
17 She rose as he came towards her .
18 He was smiling grimly now as he came towards her .
19 Brown eyes twinkled as he came towards Lindsey .
20 As he came towards her out of the darkness the inevitable shock of physical awareness swept over her , sharpened now by the experience they had just shared .
21 For hours the planet had grown no larger in Miles Engado 's faceplate ; seeming instead to retreat as he fell towards it .
22 He was very brown , she thought inconsequentially as he strolled towards her , and quite devastatingly attractive .
23 He took her arm , and short of starting an undignified fight she saw no option but to join him as he strolled towards the white-painted gate , set in the surrounding outer stone walls .
24 His breath fanned her skin as he leant towards her .
25 NIHAT CILASUN : a 15-year-old boy , Nihat Cilasun was shot dead as he ran towards his home carrying bread , during a curfew announced after disturbances in the City of Cizre at the time of the Kurdish New Year ;
26 And , as he coasted towards Maple Drive through the suburb 's still deserted streets , Henry thought about nice things .
27 From the distance , as he drove towards it , the great house appeared unchanged .
28 I closed my books and watched Professor Tilsey as he pottered towards the door .
29 Ludovico cried theatrically as he gestured towards it .
30 Out of what appeared to be a tackroom emerged a man who walked with authority , stopping to have a word with one and another of the workers as he crossed towards Jonadab and George .
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