Example sentences of "[subord] to say [that] he " in BNC.

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1 He declined to speculate on dates , except to say that he saw no sign of it happening next year ( 1992 ) ; there was too much backlog to be mopped up .
2 You do n't mention him , except to say that he was a biologist and that he went to England to work for two years at the chemical weapons experimental establishment at Porton Down .
3 He would n't talk about the pilgrimage , except to say that he was disappointed at having had to abandon it He seemed far from exalted .
4 Exactly how he achieved this I can not explain except to say that he had a kind of eloquence that made you think he was speaking to you personally and the gift of a born story-teller .
5 As for the patient , it 's not my place to comment on his medical condition , except to say that he is still quite definitely alive and in the best possible hands . ’
6 Dougal gave him a little nod , as if to say that he had remembered that too .
7 One tabloid , threatened since with a writ , went as far as to say that he would not be able to find such a sum .
8 Indeed , he went so far as to say that he was almost dreading stepping on to the golf course , full of grim forebodings on the practice ground and no better on the practice green .
9 He even went so far as to say that he would n't do the picture without her .
10 He gave her a cynical look , as much as to say that he only half believed her .
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