Example sentences of "[subord] possible a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was agreed that where possible a system of barter would operate , with for example Estonia bartering electricity for Latvian gas ; where this was not possible accounting would be based on the deutschmark .
2 Where possible a subject specialist who has worked with an ESL tutor or team is also involved .
3 Be systematic with your inspection : test all easily accessible timbers with a sharp screwdriver to detect concealed tunnels and boreholes ; lift some carpets and where possible a section of floorboards , and test the joists .
4 Use a soft bristle brush to loosen the grime and if possible a sprayer to wash it all off .
5 Parents can be asked to keep a detailed record of what exactly the child eats over the course of a day or if possible a week .
6 An investigation into levels of new firm formation in industry comparing Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic , Great Britain and if possible a number of European countries .
7 Over and above that are the various assurance schemes designed to offer as near as possible a guarantee of quality , safety , wholesomeness and implied animal welfare in the whole process in much the same way as the lion 's stamp once guaranteed eggs in the pre-Edwina Currie days .
8 However , the key to the avoidance of uncontrolled complexity in any engineering domain may be to go for a complete and as rigorous as possible a description of the problem in hand before any detailed calculations are made on the precise properties of the postulated design .
9 According to the headteacher the intention was ‘ to give as many staff as possible a sense of responsibility of teaching and learning ’ , despite the fact that ‘ as in all schools we have a hierarchical structure of responsibilities ’ .
10 The publication stressed that children should be helped to develop as wide as possible a range of language uses so that they can ‘ speak appropriately in different situations and use standard forms when they are needed ’ .
11 However that may be , it is , surely , part of the very meaning of being rational that one tries to organise one 's mental stance towards the world so that it is consistent and comprehensive , consistent in that its elements do not frustrate each other , comprehensive in that it covers one 's stance to as wide as possible a range of phenomena .
12 In order to be sure that our data would be as reliable as possible a decision was made to report only on those countries from which we had received at least three questionnaires among which there was a high level of agreement .
13 Such a position would be quite incomprehensible if the main thrust of US policy was an attempt to run as large as possible a balance of payments deficit ( on current and long-term capital account ) in order to grab real resources from the rest of the world in exchange for paper dollars .
14 He was an East Ender , near as possible a Cockney , and , with his mother , shopped the markets of Walthamstow and Leytonstone insisting that chips with this and chips with that was a triumphant diet for a sports crazy kid .
15 He was an East Ender , near as possible a Cockney , and , with his mother , shopped the markets of Walthamstow and Leytonstone insisting that chips with this and chips with that was a triumphant diet for a sports crazy kid .
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