Example sentences of "[subord] i [was/were] walk " in BNC.

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1 Although it was dark where I was walking , the blackness stretching away on all sides , it was also , unexpectedly , ringed by lights .
2 Although I was walking at a normal pace the impact stunned me .
3 If I 'd a , if I were walking down the street going Nigger ! sorry !
4 so , if I was to walk into the place that was selling these
5 If I was walking down a street and some scaffolding fell on my head I would n't say ‘ oh dear ’ . '
6 If I was walking past a building site , I 'd put my head down , trying not to have eye contact with anyone , but I 'd be expecting it anyway — not because I 'm pretty , but because if it 's summer and you 're a girl and , say wearing shorts , it 's inevitable .
7 The nurse called my name ; I walked into the consulting room , flashing a worn , mechanical smile , but feeling as if I was walking onto the stage at the National without my trousers .
8 ‘ It was a wonderful feeling — as if I was walking on air . ’
9 I did all the usual stuff — I gave her some money and stuck her on a tube train to a night shelter , but while I was walking out of the tube station , I thought to myself , ‘ you complacent bitch ’ ’ you know .
10 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
11 Yeah , I remembered it while I was walking round the shop , cos the more I yeah , the more I thought about it the worse I got when I stood by the machine .
12 One memory stands out — the sound of a child crying which I heard when I was walking past some flats .
13 Readings were only normal when I was walking , perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature .
14 The idea of the vats of the mind reminds me of an occasion when I was walking on the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania with some friends , who showed me an oak gall .
15 ‘ I found him , when I was walking the course , ’ I said apprehensively .
16 " Do not stray from the path " , said a notice I saw in the Cheviots when I was walking the Pennine Way .
17 When I was walking past the marsh one , one night , when I was on my way back from school I heard a rus rustling noise behind a bu bush , when I went up the , went up first to the bush a big dragon-like thing jumped out from behind the bush , it gave me such a fright I nearly fainted .
18 ‘ I could n't believe it when I was walking here , Anne .
19 When I was walking up to Keble Road yesterday I saw someone standing at the bus-stop outside St Giles ’ Church , waiting to get up to Summertown .
20 I only mentioned it when I was walking the dogs .
21 I 've been , I was thinking today actually when I was walking up the road and I thought oh the is shut again .
22 and at one stage when I was walking in India we used to stay at bungalows and one was called Marian Shola and another was called Pine Shola , because it meant that it was a , it was a bungalow in a group of pine trees
23 it 's always a bit a it came home to me with great a vigour and enthusiasm when I was walking round the kitting station at R A F Innsworth with a supermarket trolley getting it filled with kit and when I got to the end they handed me my dog tags and my gun , I thought what have I let myself in for because I 'd never worn dog tags before and I 'd never had a gun with live ammunition in it that got strapped to my hip and you suddenly realise , I 'm going into a real war it was quite a nerve racking experience for a few days
24 One evening as I was walking through the village , I heard a voice coming from the gable end of a cottage , ‘ Bonsoir , Monsieur .
25 But as I was walking around I noticed how her eyes followed the dog with great interest .
26 THE other day , as I was walking along the main street of a small town in Buckinghamshire , meditating , as so often , on time and chance , and in particular on the various chances which had combined to bring me there , I suddenly heard a loud crash , followed by urgent shouts and the desperate revving of a car .
27 I met the old lady as I was walking down a steep path out of the village .
28 As I was walking down Sackville Street one fine spring day in 1985 I noticed a sign in the window of a bookshop , now no more , advertising BBC books for sale .
29 As I was walking over to the piano I was thinking , ‘ Should I really be doing this ? ’
30 As a result , he once stopped his car as I was walking up the track in Monaco , opened his door and said , ‘ Hop in . ’
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