Example sentences of "[subord] he be talk " in BNC.

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1 BT : … so he was talking about sentences in progress .
2 ‘ I wanted to tell you , ’ she said , ‘ the Conductor — he 's like the captain of a ship — knows that you 're our security you want , and to let you go everywhere in the train without question , including the engines , as long as the two engineers — they 're the train-drivers — permit it , which he says they will once he 's talked to them .
3 ‘ Come on , ’ he says , like he was talking to a little kid .
4 I ai n't sure if he 's talking to me , so I do n't say nothing .
5 The man whispered his answer , as if he was talking inside a church .
6 He stopped speaking and gazed hard at Corbett and then continued quietly , almost as if he was talking to himself .
7 He interrupted Michael as if he was talking to a little child .
8 ‘ Yes , well , I always thought Augustine was a bit simplistic in his ideas , ’ said William , waspishly , as if he was talking about a rival academic .
9 His voice was low and urgent , as if he was talking about something completely different .
10 Athelstan snorted with laughter and leaned forward , his arms crossed , as if he was talking to himself and had forgotten the coroner sitting beside him .
11 Auxilliary nurse at BUPA Murrayfield Hospital Michael Douglas told the jury at Liverpool Crown Court : ‘ If he was talking about his marriage he would say they were breaking up or that she was leaving him .
12 He stared at the table as if he were talking to himself .
13 ‘ No Villanuova has ever had a job , that 's why , ’ he replied as if he were talking to a child .
14 Golding 's voice sank to a murmur , as if he were talking to himself rather than Derek .
15 Knowledge of life cos he 's talking to his grandson .
16 Cos he 's talking stupid .
17 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
18 . Because he 's talking , he 's he 's talking to er er a fairly high er political level of understanding
19 It looks back to Lanman as well as to Eliot 's other Sanskrit teacher , the ex-anthropologist , Woods , who had written that to the Hindu , ‘ Logically and temporally , the word seems to precede its idea and its meaning : a man thinks , the Hindu would say , because he is talking .
20 It was my philosophy professor , a native of the Antilles , who recalled the fact to me one day : ‘ Whenever you hear anyone abuse the Jews , pay attention because he is talking about you ’ .
21 but the point I 'm trying to make is that the person who made the presentation er o o on er for , for the best of riders , I think he 's rather missed the point because he was talking to you about the , including , more information on er within the T V P and we did discuss , er we did like to make it quite clear during our er discussions that riding of horses on the highway is a matter for the T V P , riding horses on bridleways is a matter that we will have to deal with in basic in time .
22 Er , the honourable gentleman wondered whether we would ever have a truncated view again , certainly not under the ninety three legislation because that was a once off as a careful reading of the act will show , er but er we will erm and his honourable friend , the member for Perry Barns hoped er that er we would have no more reviews of European boundaries , I know because he was talking at P R but we will certainly have one new review of er er Euro constituency boundaries because as soon as the parliamentary boundaries are completed er we will have to go into a new review on that basis of all the European seats and of course the full enquiries will be held in the normal way for them .
23 A friend was punched on the nose because he was talking in Spanish .
24 While he was talking he went on disembowelling the bird in a practised way with his knife .
25 While he was talking he noticed scratch-marks on the water , hundreds of white gashes , and suddenly the captain 's voice , crackling over the intercom , interrupted him .
26 What was he doing while he was talking to you ? " she said tightly .
27 In desperation , he might appeal to witnesses who had seen me sitting on the bench in the park while he was talking to my double outside .
28 He would turn his back on him while he was talking , or look down smiling into the mouthpiece .
29 Bob 's phone rang , and while he was talking Dyson , who was sitting back in his chair and waiting for someone at the other end of the line , covered up the mouthpiece of his phone and said , ‘ Are you coming to the funeral , Tess ? ’
30 Noticed when he came back in the afternoon , while he was talking to Rose .
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