Example sentences of "[subord] [is] shown [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Jeff Rooker , the MP for Birmingham Perry Barr , who retired from Labour 's front bench last year partly to campaign for PR , said : ‘ A lot more people went away from this conference convinced of the merits of the argument than is shown in the vote . ’
2 Thus the Highland Boundary Fault may lie further north than is shown in Fig .
3 Divers are still used today although their equipment is rather more sophisticated than is shown in the museum display .
4 When a boy goes ‘ bang bang ’ with his finger , or a more realistic-looking gun , he no more wishes to kill or maim the ‘ enemy ’ than his parents would actually enjoy seeing gouts of blood issuing from a real villain as is shown on television .
5 As is shown on their headstone , they lived at Overhill , which is now called Hill and is a short distance outside Dunlop village on the Stewarton Road .
6 Later the building was reconverted into two cottages as is shown on the maps of the 1850's , with stables at the western end .
7 George , although fairly tough , also has a lot of tact , as is shown through the incident concerning Candy 's dog + in his talking to Slim and all the other men before and after that event .
8 Morris was no stranger to the environmental impact of river works , as is shown by a confrontation recorded between him and the Thames Conservancy Board concerning riverside willows which they had felled near Hammersmith .
9 with all its attendant trivialities , occupied the Royal Society for some time and even King George III was drawn into the argument as is shown by the contemporary jingle :
10 As an avid collector of folk tales , Robert Burns knew the story of King Coilus and the legend of Old King Cole , as is shown by the opening lines of his poem The Twa Dogs : —
11 The ‘ big six ’ control approximately half of the UK 's public houses , as is shown by the following table :
12 POLITICIANS seem to forget that children are the losers when they keep fiddling around with education , as is shown by this week 's fiasco over GCSE results .
13 Some of the new investment is financed by parent companies , as is shown by the growing share of investment in subsidiaries , but the resale of less up to date equipment to subcontractors is also a common practice .
14 Nevertheless , changes constantly occur as is shown by a cursory glance at the development of local government services in Britain .
15 If the answer leads very naturally to the truth , it is nevertheless mistaken , as is shown by the philosophically familiar but evergreen fact that certain items constitute an instance of such a uniform connection or constant conjunction , but the second is not the effect of the first .
16 The distribution in present-day Belfast is quite different , as is shown by table 4.9 and figure 3.3 .
17 Once again deaf people proved a good risk , as is shown by the 1933 Annual Report , which records that " during the past two years over fifty deaf men have been insured for motoring risks .
18 But the public also has a great interest in science , particularly astronomy , as is shown by me large audiences for television series such as Cosmos and for science fiction .
19 ’ Goddard himself seems to have leaned towards ‘ the more moderate sort ’ in these matters , as is shown by his reaction to the Protector 's requirement of a written recognition by MPs on 12 September that government by a single person and a Parliament was an unalterable fundamental .
20 On the south coast the spits are generally orientated towards the east , as is shown by the spit which previously diverted the mouth of the river Adur east of Shoreham , and by Hurst Castle spit in Hampshire .
21 In Great Britain , for example , parts of the Eocene were characterised by hot , humid climates , as is shown by the resemblance of the contained fossils to forms now occurring in Malaya .
22 Unit costs vary considerably between different sectors of the education system , as is shown by Figures 8.8 ( schools ) and 8.9 ( further and higher education ) .
23 This does not mean that those areas were not occupied , however , and , although settlements were less densely packed away from the well-drained , easily-worked gravel , they certainly existed , as is shown by fieldwork and excavations in advance of road schemes .
24 Intra-market business is large and , as is shown by Table 3.3 , has in recent years been averaging over £2 billion per business day .
25 These do require a certain degree of inference , but it is clear that under some conditions such remains can suggest the name of a sponsor , the reason for sponsorship , and the presence of a respected craftsmen or group of craftsmen At Avenches — and probably at Bavay — in France , and at Seriana and Timgad in North Africa , the names of individual craftsmen are attested ( although , as is shown by the inscription from Timgad , even differing ideas of the practice in which the craftsman was involved are apparent ) .
26 The human eye is good at choosing phenotypic effects , as is shown by the numerous breeds of dogs , cattle and pigeons , and also , if I may say so , as is shown by Figure 5 .
27 The human eye is good at choosing phenotypic effects , as is shown by the numerous breeds of dogs , cattle and pigeons , and also , if I may say so , as is shown by Figure 5 .
28 Fossil evidence for some of this early history is shrouded in obscurity , hidden in the vast stretches of Precambrian time , but as is shown in Chapter 7 more evidence is being discovered each year .
29 As is shown in fig. 7.4 , Nigeria stands to lose , at current rates of deforestation , all of its rainforest by the year 2000 and with a rapidly growing population solutions are needed immediately .
30 There is another possible approach to the problem , as is shown in a text of Paul .
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