Example sentences of "[subord] [is] well known " in BNC.

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1 As is well known , the boycott was less than a resounding success in terms of popular reactions , and , as an organized nation-wide affair , was called off after only a single day .
2 Though at the very beginning of his political ‘ career ’ , Hitler had emphasized the need for anti-Semitism derived from ‘ reason ’ , not pure ‘ emotion ’ , there were — as is well known — no measures in the ‘ Jewish Question ’ which were too extreme for him , except on occasions where tactical considerations prevailed .
3 Unfortunately , as is well known , in many instances the lack of strong attachment in early life can lead to significant difficulties later on .
4 As is well known , the Battle of El Alamein was a resounding victory and established Montgomery 's reputation .
5 Vampires , as is well known , feed on blood at night .
6 They dictate the shape of many land-holdings , parishes , counties , and even parts of the Welsh and Scottish borders , as is well known to the poor river engineer who has to negotiate with different landowners , not to mention councils , on opposing banks as he tries to promote his scheme .
7 As is well known ( Rhind 1983 ) these contain on average perhaps 150–200 households and 400–500 people .
8 The Chinese , as is well known , have all the time in the world ; ‘ next spring ’ has come and gone .
9 As is well known , chimpanzees can be taught to communicate with sign language , though there is no evidence that they have such a language in their natural state .
10 As is well known , Marx outlined in general terms the course of the total social reproduction , proceeding from a whole series of premises to simplifying the situation …
11 And ‘ … as is well known , the crises we are talking about here are crises of overproduction . ’
12 As is well known , he wrote in the ‘ Foreword ’ to the second edition : ‘ I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations , and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence . ’
13 As is well known , Tolkien 's grand design , or desire , was to give back to his own country the legends that had been taken from it in the Dark Ages after the Conquest , when elves and woodwoses and sigelhearwan too had all been forced into oblivion .
14 As is well known , when a liquid freezes by crystallizing the crystals tend to expel impurities .
15 As is well known pH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity , pH 7 is the neutral point with lower values indicating acidity and higher alkalinity .
16 As is well known , Henry wanted to be rid of his wife , Catherine of Aragon , in order to marry a lady of the court , Anne Boleyn , with whom he had fallen in love in 1526 .
17 They certainly use MSL for some appointments but , as is well known , they have gone outside to use a number of the major search firms for many of their senior appointments .
18 As is well known , Marx himself gave a somewhat ambiguous answer ; but Poulantzas ' reply is quite clear .
19 Unfortunately , as is well known , a simple design leaves all elements within it exposed so the simpler the concept , the better the execution required to pull it off successfully .
20 As is well known , Freud saw the Oedipus myth as symbolizing a son 's desire to possess his mother and kill his father .
21 As is well known , Americans are uneasy toward the terms ‘ welfare ’ or relief in contrast to ‘ assistance for the poor ’ or similar phrases .
22 Moreover , as is well known , bad housing can lead to illness and injuries , which women have to deal with .
23 Introverts , as is well known , tend to internalise their emotions , their rage and their self-contempt , and this internalisation , it is equally well known , produces cancer .
24 However , as is well known , the sets Q , R , C do all satisfy a near analogue of A4 , viz : unc unique number , namely unc ( also written
25 Dewey , as is well known , divided knowledge into tens so that he could employ decimal notation ; when a particular subject turned out to have more than nine facets he had to group them together , often at the expense of logic , and if a new facet arrived in-conveniently there was no way of including it at an appropriate place in the hierarchy .
26 Secondly , as is well known , if average cost is still falling at the relevant output , marginal cost pricing leads to deficits .
27 These figures , however , certainly underestimate the true rates of racially motivated attacks for they are based on reports to the police and , as is well known , large numbers of incidents are not reported .
28 As is well known , the word jade was an outcome of the medical qualities attributed to it by the Aztecs .
29 As is well known , the Sunday Times case then went on to the European Court of Human Rights which held that the injunction violated Article 10 of the Convention and its right to freedom of expression .
30 As is well known , Dick Crossman , who did not always conform to the rules , had maintained a most complete — if not invariably accurate — account of the Cabinet meetings that he attended and the discussions with his colleagues .
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