Example sentences of "[subord] [pos pn] brother [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He saw her breasts spilling across her ribs and that chip missing from her tooth where her brother hit her with a stone .
2 He drove past the Ecole Militaire , where his brother had begun his career as a soldier , in that uniform he still remembered so clearly .
3 Once my brother had warned me .
4 She had fought him off like a veritable wildcat when he 'd slung a few well-deserved insults at her , and then had had the gall to deny she had turned traitor , although her brother held his castle for Matilda , and God only knew what she , herself , had done for the Empress .
5 Those of the school staff who remembered Prince Charles had immediately noticed that Richard was a much more outgoing and confident boy than his brother had been .
6 I wrote up the notes , made myself some scrambled eggs , then decided to walk over to the post office to see if my brother had telephoned last night with any message .
7 If my brother displeases you , ’ she said , ‘ you should send him away . ’
8 The house , Wychwood , from which I like to think that Eliot derived the name in The Family Reunion , was easily within walking distance ; but we felt some responsibility for getting the great man from London without subjecting him to too much fatigue ; and if my brother reached home by a circuitous route , it was partly in order to show off the beauty of the place .
9 No one who has heard a 3-year-old , lately able to utter only single words , saying things like ‘ The difficulty with me is , I do n't want to go to bed ’ , or ‘ it looks to me as if my brother has been at it ’ can fail to toy with a Chomskian or Cartesian notion of innate ideas , the deep structures of language being in us from before birth .
10 I thought I should go mad if my brother did not come home at the appointed hour , for I longed to thrust it into his hands .
11 All was apparently well until her brother followed her to Rome , discovered her whereabouts and threatened to kill both her and her ‘ half-German ’ baby .
12 A customer asked Sarah if her brother had been near Guernica in Spain when bombs were dropped on it from aeroplanes .
13 Inevitably , Madeleine 's name had cropped up and Harry had felt a pang of nostalgia remembering the little girl with her white dresses and long , golden plaits , laughing or stamping her foot if her brother did n't give her her own way .
14 Until his brother took over the firm and promptly sold it to INCUBUS Oy .
15 If Emerson had had the finance to develop a team properly , if his brother had been a better manager and if Emerson himself had not become frustrated as a driver by his car 's constant failures and retirements , if , in short , he had got his act together , he would quite possibly have made a first-class constructor and been hailed as a Brazilian Ferrari or Chapman .
16 Francie paused in rolling his cigarette and frowned as if his brother had said too much ; but Melanie did not notice .
17 He hesitated ; best not to tell Jared of what Havvie Blaine had been saying of her ; he was fearful that if his brother knew he would do Havvie a mortal injury — Best perhaps to warn Mary Tunstall privately .
18 His father had provided for this title to pass to Charles if his brother inherited the earldom of Arundel ; but when this occurred in 1677 Henry refused to give up the title , and Charles took the case to Chancery , in 1682 obtaining a celebrated decision in his favour by Heneage Finch , first Earl of Nottingham [ q.v . ] .
19 If your brother becomes poor , and sells part of his property , then his next of kin shall come and redeem what his brother has sold ’ ( Lev .
20 If your brother had lived and been granted outline planning permission for his houses , what would you have done ? ’
21 Other teachers got it in for me because my brother went there before me …
22 ‘ The reason I 'm here is because my brother phoned me and told me your cousin was in urgent need of a tutor .
23 A campesina woman who had been forced to move into the capital because her brother had been taken a political prisoner , had participated in the UN ) :
24 Esther was also offered places at both universities , and chose Cambridge because it offered her a scholarship , and because her brother had been at King 's , and because she heard an owl hoot thrice in the college garden when she retired to her narrow bed after the glass of wine with Flora Piercy .
25 The girl claimed she was raped in her bedroom during Christmas 1990 and again in the man 's home on New Year 's Day 1991 while her brother slept only feet away .
26 Born in India , brought up mainly in France and speaking both French and German perfectly , he thought seriously as a young man of entering Habsburg service and married an American , while his brother took a Russian wife , one of the Nelidov family which was prominent in tsarist diplomacy .
27 Stair , who usually ignored Neil since his brother had given up his privileged life and become an East End doctor , occasionally felt that he had some sort of duty to him ; he was , after all , his heir .
28 It should have been pulled down after my brother died .
29 She had been a mod , but , after her brother told her to buy Bob Dylan records , she did so , being , then , an impressionable person .
30 ‘ Matilda is the late King 's daughter , Hugh , and we all took that oath to recognise her as the future queen after her brother went down with the White Ship , ’ protested the Prior .
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