Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] probably " in BNC.

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1 Where we have probably not exploited it sufficiently as yet is in bringing children — the readers themselves — into ensuing discussions .
2 ‘ It happened in the gym of this club right in the middle of my training , ’ he recalled , ‘ but it was not the training that brought on the attack although I had probably overdone things .
3 Sadly , it only took me about ten seconds to think of this merry lot so I 've probably missed lots of good candidates …
4 Sadly , it only took me about ten seconds to think of this merry lot so I 've probably missed lots of good candidates …
5 They 've got a couple of young kids , four and five , so she 's probably got her work cut out with them .
6 The answer was going to be that er , just as we look back on Darwin and do n't notice his Lamarckism , in , in a sense , Darwin was n't as Darwinian as we might now think , so we 've probably got a picture of Freud which is , er , more Freudian as it were , than Freud really was .
7 Although they 'd probably covered that . ’
8 I try and make women 's history clearer , because obviously they 've done history A level so they 've probably learnt about wars and all the male sort of things , so what women were doing and thinking and the way in which that has been suppressed ; as much as possible I like to teach by not putting very much of what I think across but trying to get other people to produce it … also encouraging them to share as an experience and personal responses and talking about things one would n't normally talk about in the department , the emotional side of things , in quotes ‘ irrational ’ , ‘ intuitive ’ and all of that , and valuing that … try and make it a space where people can say whatever they want to say ; I suppose value things that would not be valued elsewhere .
9 There 's been a lot of new groups who are maybe harder , which we 're fans of , so they have probably influences us as well . ’
10 The the the the trouble is he got more recognition for that for getting no points at all than he did probably if he 'd have bloody won that thing .
11 His last memory was of a rather half-hearted dawn chorus outside the grey windows , so he 'd probably slept for about two hours .
12 There 's nothing that I want though for spare , cos I 've probably got it
13 It , it 's , it 's not you , it 's not until you 've probably worked in another place and come here or go
14 Cos you 've probably found that already with maths have n't you that once there 's a little bit you do n't understand they start putting more and more on that you need to know that little bit for and you you do n't know it and you 're getting more and more lost and then it gets a bit late then .
15 Then we 've got ta so if they 've probably still got ours .
16 I went into the gardens one Sunday morning with the dog found a body in a sleeping bag and I really did n't know whether I thought it was alive or not alive so I went rather closer and I got a very defensive angry stare from a young man and I said to him I 'm not going to ask you to move , because you 've probably got nowhere to go , my real concern is are you okay .
17 But if there are more than about 12–15 words in the unclassifiable group , and your children are older than 9 , then look again more carefully , because you have probably put words there that ought to be in a different category .
18 As he saw it , his discovery of the two types of kinship terminology afforded a powerful new research tool to investigate historical connections and to reconstruct links which had otherwise disappeared or been forgotten ( as well they might , since they had probably never existed ! ) .
19 It was about it was the same as I 'd probably got if I 'd have gone to the pit at fourteen . .
20 Erm there 's a sense in which y'know kind of when I go to concerts erm there 's y'know kind of there 's loads of blokes who take their shirts off and er wrestle around together and build human pyramids and do all that kind of , lots of body contact , lots of grasping one-another and all that kind of thing and yet erm y'know presumably to them , on the assumption that they 're heterosexual , as I assume probably they are , it 's it 's one of these things that erm y'know is kind of again maybe it even occurs at the same time as they 're quite homophobic in some cases .
21 As I 've probably told you before the they used they used to meet and meet daily , trades council .
22 I had , therefore , hoped to obtain money in the current financial year for this proposal , but , as you 've probably read in the press , the moratorium on expenditure prevented an progress on this proposal .
23 There are only eight of them all told , four on each side , as you 've probably observed . ’
24 Others display their feelings of relaxation by standing on one leg , as you 've probably seen flamingoes do in nature films .
25 Also now I tend , as you 've probably come to realise I 've tended to include specific types of bonding arrangements as a functional group for example , I call a carbon carbon double bond , I call that a functional group for the simple reason that that arrangement of bonds dictates the principle properties of those compounds and in that context I 'm then using the word group a bit more liberally instead of saying it 's a group of atoms which dictate the properties I 'll say it 's a group of atoms or it 's a special grouping of electrons , which dictate the properties .
26 The simple way there as you 've probably been told by your tax officer here is just to reclaim it at the end of the tax year .
27 As you 've probably realised by now , ’ Fen said as he marched her briskly along the towpath , with no apparent concern for her fatigue , ‘ living and travelling on a narrow boat is not all glamour and sunbathing .
28 ‘ Secondly , as you 've probably deduced by now , as a deterrent to importunate women .
29 So I started in quite enthusiastically , but as you 've probably gathered from Con , I did n't succeed . ’
30 One possibility is for you to set aside time to train yourself ( as you 've probably done in the past ) , with structured guidelines from us here .
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