Example sentences of "[subord] [art] weeks go " in BNC.

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1 It was love at first sight for me and Danielle , and as the weeks went by I became more and more besotted .
2 Her dislike of being alone after dark had certainly diminished as the weeks went by , but she could not honestly say that she was completely carefree .
3 As the weeks went by , Noreen was thrown more and more together with him , but nothing happened , and even Maria was learning to like him a little bit .
4 I do remember clearly now depressed we became as the weeks went by and we could see , looming ahead , yet another wartime winter with its accompanying cold , damp and bad news .
5 My plan was to increase my pace from normal ( around 3 miles per hour ) to brisk ( 3.5–4.0 miles per hour ) and to walk longer and further as the weeks went by .
6 As the weeks went on Victor grew weaker and the family feared the worst .
7 At the start she would rehearse arranging them with the nun so that she would do it well when she got to the Hogans , but as the weeks went by she grew in confidence .
8 Then , as the weeks went by , I got filled with this sense of pride .
9 And as the weeks went by it grew into that .
10 ‘ We all got to know our characters as the weeks went by .
11 We 'd keep them for a fortnight in those pigeon holes because most people claim stuff if they realize where they 'd left it within a day or two and then as the weeks went round we used to take stuff out of there and just lump it altogether , having duly labelled it up and erm record it and used to have tuppence an item if anybody lost anything .
12 J.D. had told Sally-Anne Tunstall that if it was inconvenient to visit him she could always post her column to him ; he had seen her growing more and more responsible as the weeks went by , and he was no longer so worried about her safety .
13 And he did n't feel any happier as the weeks went by .
14 As the weeks went by , I naturally began to enjoy this new-found notoriety .
15 What is more likely to happen is that the intensity of the pain will gradually diminish as the weeks go by until , one day , you wake up and realize that it is not there any more .
16 As the weeks go by she begins to receive visitors at the refuge and when she begins to feel the marriage is over , with the workers ' help she starts negotiating with the council and housing associations for a new flat , although she also feels the refuge is home , a safe space that is becoming more and more difficult to leave .
17 His " grade " rises and falls like a temperature chart as the weeks go by , according to his successes or failures in tests taken at short intervals .
18 You should continue to lose weight and to feel more and more healthy as the weeks go by .
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