Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] early " in BNC.

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1 Although during the early years of the century the CHA attracted an increasing membership , Leonard was concerned at its failure to fulfil its founding aims .
2 Washing facilities are another priority , although in the early stages the patient might be washed in his room , as though he were in hospital .
3 Although in the early days he was ungainly , he was very tall
4 As Bryan says , his main guitar is a Strat , although in the early days he used a Les Paul …
5 Although in the early days Derek was happy to drive me around and did n't even charge me for the petrol , pretty soon our visits here and there grew so frequent and far afield that he was finding himself quite a bit out of pocket .
6 It has also to be remembered that although in the early years of the twentieth century , the advanced countries of the western European industrial ‘ base ’ ( Great Britain , Germany , France , Belgium and Luxembourg ) still provided the bulk of European production , industry was growing in other countries .
7 Although in the early years control did largely rest with the imperial family , others increasingly came to wield power in its name , and the years after 1185 saw hegemony pass to a succession of military rulers who achieved pre-eminent influence by virtue of superior military strength .
8 Since her election in 1986 , President Corazon Aquino had maintained a deliberately ambiguous stance over the bases ; although in the early years of her term she suggested some opposition to the US presence , this position had been weakened when US aircraft from the bases had played an essential role in Aquino 's defeat of a serious right-wing military coup attempt in December 1989 [ see pp. 37120-21 ] .
9 In The Black Queen of 1961 , Mariana has more substance than in the early collages of rags , and so , being more tangible , is more a victim , of Gironella , of time , of historical circumstances ( Fig. 6 ) .
10 Clegg has examined the reasons for this in the early 1930s and suggested that employers were not well organized at this time and that there were fewer jobs being lost in the early 1930s than in the early 1920s .
11 Other than in the early stages of a completely new programme it also requires evaluation of existing training , so that evaluation may be as important as identification of needs .
12 Bone , in fact , started on the surface of the head , rather than in the early backbones .
13 Almost three quarters of married women are now looking for work , 21 per cent more than in the early 70s when mum 's prime concern was caring for her children .
14 This helps to explain why more jobs have been lost in this recession than in the early 1980s .
15 What seems clear from the chart is that the real exchange rates have deviated by much larger amounts over the period 1978–88 than in the early years of floating .
16 Children were inefficient contributors to the kind of workforce now required and also a smaller proportion of the entire population than in the early years of the century .
17 Although the cows will themselves be in better condition than in the early Spring , the effect on calf size of the high nutritional inputs of lush grass may produce high calf growth in utero , and hence to greater calving difficulties .
18 It is clear that the Soviet Union , which now has far more information and greater understanding of Latin America than in the early 1960s , no longer regards the area as a monolithic whole .
19 Except for Bulgaria , the report found that the east European countries were now in a better situation than in the early 1980s , in terms of their debt-service ratio ( the ratio of annual payments on principal and interest to export earnings ) , to cope with their obligations .
20 At the same time habit , and the realization that funding for the services would be tightly controlled ( if on a more generous scale than in the early 1930s ) , meant that the eastern Atlantic , the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean were still seen as regions which might primarily and appropriately be left to the British .
21 The Peace People now have a much lower profile than in the early days , and despite a flurry of newspaper articles at its 10-year anniversary in 1986 , it is still fairly anonymous .
22 In the United States it peaked around 1966 , but was still much higher in the early seventies than in the early sixties .
23 In Germany and the United States in particular , business borrowing was higher in the early seventies than in the early and mid-sixties .
24 They continued to do so among all kinds of paper until about the early 1950s ( Table 3.1 ) .
25 If in the early days she was chiefly responsible for shifting a lot of blue eyeliner and baseball caps , she gradually became an inspiration to the frail , the disadvantaged and the miserable .
26 I think I think it is a good idea though to erm oh right er to y'know kind of break it up a bit er particularly if at an early stage you 're intending to y'know kind of go through erm and get people to go through quite a lot of questions erm as a by way of er y'know kind of the first stages in in er developing this thing .
27 Because of the early efforts to contain and isolate mentally handicapped people and because of the lack of distinction between the mentally handicapped and those who may be mentally ill , possibly dangerously so , considerable fears have spread through society about people who live in asylums and ‘ loony bins ’ .
28 Because of the early onset of modern economic development in these two countries workers ' experience with industrial capitalism was slower and the transition period longer than was the case in most of Northern and Central Europe ( Kassalow , 1982 ) .
29 Because of the early establishment of the Danish Cancer Registry we were able to show that this potential association dates back to at least the 1940s .
30 Because of the heat games never started before four and they had to finish soon after six because of the early Egyptian twilight .
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