Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] realised how " in BNC.

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1 Once they realised how risk had suddenly escalated they took steps to cut down their ‘ book ’ .
2 This might be less so if they realised how impressive human beings are when submitted to computational analysis .
3 I do n't know whether it was because he realised how hard it 'd be for us to get enough for both of us , or whether he knew he was off his head and needed someone around who was n't , y'know what I mean , to look after the kids and sort things out , like .
4 ‘ Not since I realised how it was reared , think of shutting out the daylight all their lives . ’
5 ‘ Vengeance , ’ said Huy , meaning it , but speaking the word before he realised how theatrical it must sound .
6 But Phoebe had felt a harsh jealousy that she did not like in herself when she realised how well Lisa and Rachel got on : she did not want that .
7 All the time his eyes were laughing down at her and she suddenly flushed when she realised how she must look , lying there on the grass .
8 Romance blossomed once again as she realised how close Neil had come to being killed .
9 ‘ Oh , yes — I 'd love to , ’ she accepted impulsively , then blushed as she realised how eager she must have sounded .
10 Maria 's anger abated as she realised how much the answer meant to him .
11 ‘ It could be that I 've simply never felt strongly enough about anyone , ’ she cut in , instantly wishing the words unsaid as she realised how much they revealed about her feelings for him .
12 Under the soldier 's intent gaze Isabel subsided abruptly into silence as she realised how she was babbling .
13 Her stomach lurched as she realised how near she 'd come to disaster .
14 She stared at him , then suddenly felt foolish as she realised how uptight she 'd allowed herself to become .
15 Sick humiliation choked her as she realised how naïvely self-satisfied she had been , and her spirits sank .
16 So angry was Ian Paisley at the affront to Carson 's memory that he increased his tirade of abuse against O'Neill , produced Carson 's son to contest the Westminster elections in March ( promising four Protestant Unionists in all ) and only withdrew when he realised how devoid of constituency organisation he then was .
17 Allan said when he realised how the football disaster , which claimed 95 lives , had left his son .
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