Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] returned to " in BNC.

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1 The retirement lasted two year , until McLaren tempted him back to the sport in 1982 and his old skills were soon apparent at Brands Hatch and Watkins Glen , where he returned to winning ways .
2 So I returned to Sotheby , Wilkinson and Hodge , whom I had joined in 1911 … ‘
3 For the first year I had a room on campus but I was n't happy there so I returned to Cliff Top , where my mother put one of the caravans at my disposal .
4 Everything then was twice as frightening , so I returned to the gentle patting and quiet treatment with which I had tried to persevere before , and slowly Jester forgot his ‘ fear ’ and got on with his work .
5 She glowered at the television crew who were filming them , but realised they had no idea she was grimacing ferociously , so she returned to sipping champagne through the straw .
6 In Sweden the Social Democrats were ousted from power in 1976 after forty-five years in office by an alliance of ‘ bourgeois ’ parties , although they returned to office in 1982 .
7 And so they returned to the kitchen again ; and after the meal was put on the table Aggie went through the other room and from the door yelled , ‘ Ben ! ’ just the once before returning to the kitchen .
8 For various reasons , therefore , he moved to Jamaica and , although he returned to Barbados many times , it was never with any great enthusiasm for the place .
9 Although he returned to the School staff after the war , he was later compelled to spend some time in a sanatorium .
10 After further adventures in Spain , Nicholas had a dream in which his family were seen to be in trouble and needing him , so he returned to England , proceeded by a huge crate of the books collected on his travels .
11 But , as he revealed later , it did not take long for him to realise that Paris was no more inspirational to him than Barnsley , so he returned to northern England and entered show business as a singer and pianist .
12 ‘ It did n't really sink in what I had done until I returned to school on the Monday morning and saw all the television cameras waiting for me at the gates , ’ says Dozzell .
13 You should have waited until I returned to your mother 's house . ’
14 Sylvia had asked for a recall , so it would have to wait until she returned to England .
15 Much as she loved Nora , she was sufficiently realistic about her cousin to know that whatever was beginning to develop in her niece would be much more likely to come to something if Constance remained with her in Surrey than if she returned to the north .
16 If she returned to the Hall and told her father what she had endured she would be forbidden to return — that was what must happen .
17 Many people believe that standards in our use of English would rise dramatically if we returned to the formal teaching of grammar which was normal practice in most classrooms before 1960 .
18 If we returned to the road with our panniers full of food and met the Germans , they would probably stop and search us .
19 It would be a dim prospect for them if we returned to the policies of the Labour party .
20 It seems that Manners was anxious to press ahead with building as quickly as possible in an attempt to pre-empt the Opposition from changing the scheme if they returned to power .
21 Management offered to pay the workers for the lost days if they returned to work by Wednesday morning , but at a mass meeting on Tuesday 10 June workers voted 48 to 10 against resuming work and rejecting settlement proposals worked out between management and the union until they had seen a report from the Department of Labour Factory Inspectorate .
22 May I draw to my hon. Friend 's attention a report in the Sunday Express pointing out that paramilitaries convicted of bombing and murder are sheltering in the Republic are drawing more than £2 million per week in dole money and social security , paid for by the British taxpayer , while many would face reconviction if they returned to Ulster ?
23 They have sought to damage the interests of people legitimately seeking political asylum , having fled from oppression , who if they returned to their own countries would face further oppression and possibly death .
24 Down below were lots of fishing boats and I decided to wait until they returned to the harbour .
25 At the beginning , Aung San sprang a surprise : they wanted the British to sign , while they waited until they returned to Burma to signify their agreement .
26 He had n't chucked her overboard bag and baggage yet , but he was probably only biding his time until they returned to their mooring .
27 Jack found a piece of driftwood , its gnarled form worn totally smooth by the action of the waves , and they decided it would look wonderful in his barn hung on the brickwork chimney-breast , so he carried it for the rest of the morning until they returned to their little camp at lunchtime .
28 The boat would then sail in a circle , dragging the net , until it returned to the point of departure .
29 Thereafter he continued to be an influential committee-man until he returned to Ireland as a parliamentary commissioner in June 1649 .
30 All she had to do was steel herself to get through the forthcoming weeks until he returned to Hong Kong and she was left to immerse herself in this new job in peace , free of the distraction he constituted .
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