Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] do actually " in BNC.

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1 In either you may have worked through the supplied tutorial which introduces all the basic concepts , although they do actually introduce one or two bad habits as well !
2 MANY people spend more time worrying about how they are going to cope with catering for Christmas than they do actually cooking the bird and all the trimmings .
3 Now it was n't really a back pass although it did actually come off of Greyson .
4 And I 'm disappointed that the District Council officers nei ei any of the three come , I understand one 's ill , but I mean it seems a bit disappointing cos I did actually
5 So , cos I do actually sit down and work it out , and me mum comes in and says , what you doing , , so I do use that way .
6 He just went hello Kath , I went right , yeah , yeah cos I do actually know who you are
7 yeah an and bra and G-string I went right right , then I said oh by the way I 'm not erm I 'm not doing house swimming this year , I 'm not going to give you the , the pleasure yeah right and they were going oh no you have to do it , you have to do it , I was going yeah right cos I do actually want that again like last year it was just such a nightmare .
8 What I might actually do is say well I re if she does actually a I mean what she 'll probably do is say oh have you heard about me and Dangerous , and I 'll say yes .
9 But I understand , and somebody here will no doubt correct me , that there is research to show that if you do actually walk about with a Sony Walkman , go to noisy discos , and then go into a noisy working environment , that by the age of thirty you can lose up to a third of your hearing .
10 so I , I mean I suppose in a sense it would be good if you did actually change something but that 's not entirely necessary for me .
11 Cos we did actually , we went to before we went , putting the things together making sure that we were n't starting the next activity until the , the rooms would be finished .
12 Of course there 's a further complicating factor that if we do actually put the breaks on , people may either lose interest or go
13 if we do actually find out .
14 I think if we if we if we did actually look around long and hard rather than superficially at what we 've got out in the yard , then it 's ever so easy to criticize .
15 Might I just add that if anybody does actually pay their fee by cheques erm please make it to the right department er as as Tom will give you erm the co the correct er name for for your cheque .
16 Cos they do actually er deserve all the money they get .
17 Yes I was just going to respond to Mr because we did actually discuss horse riding er o on the bridleway network along the footpath and er well I do hope that what Mr has said felt that he had has considering condoning people riding horses on the footpath are breaking the law .
18 But in reality , it is even easier than that because we do actually , amazingly , lose the taste for very fatty foods .
19 Also I mean er we take your point and we 've made it before Ken that there 's a real danger of asking for a report from someone like Professor Gower and then picking it , instead of actually taking the whole thing because it does actually add together in some sort of coherence erm and had Professor Gower 's report been an exception in this entirety , we may not have been had the pleasure of having you back again today , but thank you very much , er all three of you for coming points so clearly
20 Also I mean , we take your point and we 've made it before Ken that there 's a real danger of asking for a report from someone like Professor Gower and then cherry picking it , instead of actually taking the whole , because it does actually add together in some sort of coherence erm and had Professor Gower 's report been accepted in its entirety , we may not have been had the pleasure of having you back again today , but thank you very much er all three of you for coming .
21 If a general payment is made , the tribunal will have to interpret whether it does actually cover both basic and compensatory awards .
22 I spent as much time wondering how the dome was held together as I did actually climbing .
23 What type of question is that when you do actually ? him .
24 Any feelings of shyness Fabia might have endured the following morning at the thought of seeing Ven again were shortlived when she did actually see him .
25 I actually feel , there was a time I used to think it would n't happen to me because if I was in that situation I would do this , I would do the next thing and when it did actually happen to me it took me ages to get over
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