Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] have turned " in BNC.

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1 I would not like to think of myself as a little Boswelly person , and my mother brought me up so much better than I have turned out .
2 All the child 's socks were dirty so she had turned a pair inside out and put them on her .
3 And every time he came in Mr Mortimer would say , ‘ Oh , so you 've turned up again , Boy . ’
4 Once she had turned the corner and the house was hidden from view , she jumped off her bike and pushed it through the maze of potholes that pitted the drive as it meandered the half mile to the main gates .
5 go down it 's it 's first left once you 've turned right at
6 You know you can do it you can do the fractions and once you 've turned it into twelfths you can do it .
7 As for me , once we had turned right round and were headed west again , I began to feel my worries were nearly over .
8 Once they had turned the Mount , with the full span of the ice shining before them , the two men gathered pace , at once in harmony and contention , drawing vigour from the presence of the young woman between them , who cried out , not in fear but encouraging them on to greater exertions .
9 Cries rose on all sides of her as she filled the dishes , but she worked on steadily oblivious , like some eccentric female St Francis , brooding a little about the image seen in the vicarage garden , which , although it had turned out to be only an old cloth flung over a tree stump , was an indication of the way things might go .
10 On his first excursion he 'd seen a Mercedes parked outside so he 'd turned back , returned to his hotel room further down The Street .
11 Rebecca was busy , he had said , so he had turned to Lissa .
12 Once he had turned the corner , he took the coat off and slipped it over his arm .
13 For she had been so sure that , once he had turned the matter over in a cooler frame of mind , he would recognise and acknowledge her innocence .
14 Ruth had already decided to bring her own children to be photographed today , and then approached all her friends with young families , suggesting they might like to do the same — so it had turned into a children 's party .
15 If I 'd turned and walked out of the Moebius Strip , none of this would have happened .
16 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
17 I said , I 'm frightened someone 's in the 'ouse , I 'm frightened not waking everybody well , well what do you do , I says , you do n't , unless you have a go , you do n't , I mean , if I 'd turned out you know , you do n't really know .
18 ‘ But I would always have regretted it if I had turned down the chance to find out whether I could make it at this level . ’
19 And if I had turned into a handsome prince Gillian would probably have shown me — him — the door .
20 The room seemed to have gone dark , as if someone had turned off the lights , and she wondered if she might be going to faint .
21 Ibn Fayoud half closed his eyes as if someone had turned a knife in his guts .
22 He felt as if his entire arm and hand were ablaze ; as if someone had turned a blowtorch on them .
23 She had , only the other day , seen a policeman and -woman exerting more force than had seemed strictly necessary on a man in the street : at the time she had assumed that he had offered fierce resistance until she had turned the corner , at which moment he had been subdued .
24 They stared at her as if she 'd turned into a circus freak .
25 The client expresses and believes in different , more rational interpretations — ‘ There is no rule which says somebody must love someone else , it would have been great if she 'd turned up but there are other girls I could ask out .
26 Oh Jesus , Sam , she was everybody 's Aunt Jemima , if she 'd turned up with her hair in a bun and flour on her apron she could n't have made them love her more , Jesus , Sam , we 're not guilty .
27 If you had turned round , you would have seen your fate indelibly written on the faces of the people behind you .
28 If you had turned round , you would have seen your fate indelibly written on the faces of the people behind you .
29 Not if you 've turned it that way cos then you wo n't be able
30 ‘ You sound as if you have turned into a brainless ninny , like the rest of them , ’ Catherine said crossly .
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